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After Nojiko returned from the bathroom with Robin, the bluenette retreated to the sun deck together with Nami.

The historian had been securely zipped back into her maid outfit, and spent the remained of the day acting the part.

It didn’t take the crew long to pick up on the nature of Nami and her 'game'. In fact, they got into the groove with surprising ease. They regularly released her to make her help out with a variety of tasks like cleaning and serving drinks, talking down to her or restraining her whenever she showed resistance -something she came to do more and more often purely for the thrill-.

The only one to treat her with respect – adoration even- was Sanji, naturally. The swooning chef used every excuse he could think of to keep Robin by his side in the kitchen, where he happily gawked at her perfect form as she cleaned vegetables, kept an eye on the soup, cleaned the table,… basically anything he could come up with to have Robin work that luscious body of hers.

Initially, Nami was always around to keep a close eye on proceedings and make sure things wouldn't get out of hand. But to the navigator's delight the shine in Robin's eyes never once diminished. And that gave the cat burglar more time to catch up with her childhood friend Nojiko and find out how she'd handled her first kinky game. 

Yes, everyone welcomed Robin's odd roleplay. Although some were better at playing along than others….

"Oi Zoro, shouldn't you ask anything from maid-chan? You've been doing nothing but weight training all day!" Luffy called out to his second in command.

But the grumpy swordsman didn't even turn around and just kept swinging his weighted rod, performing swing after practice swing.

Robin frowned at her nakama. I would have expected him to be the least easy going about this, but I’d have hoped that by now he would have loosened up…

"Don't mind him, maid-chan." Sanji almost sang as he danced around Robin. "That nasty marimo doesn't appreciate your efforts at all!"

"Hihi, then maybe I should just try harder." The gorgeous archaeologist giggled, still enjoying the fact her mask had just now been removed after an hour of forced silence. Her arms had once again been bound however, courtesy of Franky wanting a closer look on the workings of her outfit and ‘forgetting’ to undo the buckles after he’d done his analysis.

"Uooohhhh! Robi- Maid-chaaan!" Sanji swooned. "I wish you would stay with us forever!"

"What are you talking about, Sanji? Robin is staying with us for-hprmp!" Luffy tried to interrupt, only to have his face stuffed with takoyaki by Chopper and Usopp. "She isn't Robin right now,” the reindeer doctor scolded, “she's maid-chan!"

The historian chuckled under her breath. Some of them are getting into it more than I am. She thought as she dipped into the kitchen and persuaded Brook to poor her a large mug of ice cold beer and put in on a silver tray, which he mounted around her waist and shoulders with a series of brown leather straps.

She then gingerly carried it up to Zoro.

"Zoro-san, would you like a drink?" She said calmly. "You must be thirsty after all your efforts."

Nami almost choked on her drink. She and Nojiko were lying on a deck chair each on the sun deck, positioned on the other side of the main mast where Zoro was training. It meant they were only a few feet removed from the both of them. 

You'd think she had never been anything else other than a maid! How does she keep this up?!

"Nami, what's wrong?" Nojiko asked as she sat up from her own deck chair.

"Nothing, I was just surprised."

"By what?"

"How zealous our 'maid-chan' is in her duties."

The bluenette smirked. “Zealous doesn’t even begin to describe her!” She chimed happily.

"Well, are you going to take this off my hands or not?" Robin asked the santouryu. "It's not exactly light you know."

Zoro put down his weights. "What did you bring?"

"An ice-cold beer of course." The sexy maid chimed.

The green haired man frowned at Robin. "What's with that tone of voice? You don't sound like yourself at all."


"PIPE DOWN YOU ERO-COOK!" Zoro snarled back.

Robin cleared her throat. "Zoro-san, your drink is warming up."

The resident swordsman glared at his crewmember. "Will you stop that?"

Now the historian frowned back. "Why should I?"

"Because it's not like you. I used to think you were the most level-headed of this lot."

"I probably am. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy myself from time to time."

"You think this is fun?"

"Haven't you been paying attention?" She sniped back, thrusting out her chest a little to push the plate forward a smidge. "If you're this slow on the uptake, you'll probably have a hard time becoming the number one swordsman."

Zoro clawed the drink from her tray, startling Robin a little. "That and this have nothing to do with each other!” He snapped. “What you’re doing is weird, unnatural even.”

“Is that how you see it?” Robin replied coldly. “Then what about you? I don’t judge your obsession with weight training, do I? why are you being so stubborn about this?”

“I just can't help but feel awkward at seeing someone who spent her life on the run enjoying being captured."

"That and this have nothing to do with each other." The archaeologist threw her crew mate's words back in his face, turning her magnificent figure around and showing Zoro her alluring backside.

His frown deepened. "Really now? That's how you want to do this? What was it that you said to me earlier? I should try playing along? Well then here comes your punishment, bad maid!"




The shriek Robin let escape almost knocked Nami and Nojiko out of their chairs. It also turned all the other crewmember's heads straight towards her.

Robin was glowering at Zoro, with a piercing stare that made Nami weak in the knees, despite being several feet removed. It took her a while to grasp what had happened:

Zoro had gone and spanked Robin!

Except a slap from his strong, caliced hand was NOTHING like the playful taps other people had dished out. All five fingers and his full palm were clearly visible on Robin’s poor little behind!

"That HURT!" The hana hana fruit eater groaned in pain.

"Damn, you really take this role-playing stuff seriously." Zoro replied, completely oblivious to the damage he'd done.

"I'm not playing right now! That really hurt!"

And thanks to her arms being strapped into place, she couldn't even rub her ass to soothe the throbbing!

Zoro spotted her yanking and squirming trying to do just that.

"Is your ass that sore?"

"Of course it is! Did you hold back at all?!"

"A little. I figured it would be fine. You're strong, aren't you?"

"I am also weakened by a long period of sea stone exposure. And more importantly: I was unprepared!" Robin bit as a tear formed in the corner of her eye.

“Tsk. First you demand I join in, now you’re angry with me for doing so?”

“There’s playing along and there’s overdoing it!” The helpless historian mewled, turning around with the intend to storm off.

But to her surprise, or rather shock, Zoro grabbed hold of her shoulder to stop her in her tracks.

“I thought maids were supposed to be subservient. You’re more high-maintenance than a princess.” He complained.

Before Robin could retort, and without any warning whatsoever, the swordsman then started caressing her bum!

"HhuhhhH!" The archaeologist gasped softly as she bit her lip to keep herself from being any louder.

Meanwhile Nami witnessed the bizarre scene from afar, her mouth hanging open. 

Nojiko wanted to ask if this was part of the games, but the stunned look on her friend's face revealed to her it wasn't.

The rest of the crew had resumed their fun after seeing Zoro was no longer obstinately arguing w. They couldn’t help but snicker at his ‘hands-on’ way of joining in though.

“We should keep Sanji out of the way for now, or the ship might get destroyed.” Usopp joked.

“No kidding.” Franky replied. “But man, Zoro sure has a superrr way of joining in!”

“That’s an understatement!” Brook sighed, looking at his bony fingers which were completely unsuited for massaging a person. “I’m so jealous my blood is boiling… even though I have none!”

"Better?" The green haired man asked after a little while.

Robin nodded, looking away to avoid him seeing her face was burning up. "Thank you." She muttered softly, thinking he would pull back now.

But Zoro kept stroking her firm buttocks, gently caressing the still glowing spot but eventually drifting to parts of her smooth flesh he hadn’t harmed.

A shiver ran down Robin’s spine as the unmistakeable feeling of arousal began bubbling up.

What in the world?! Why am I responding so heavily to this?! Is it because my flesh is sensitive, or maybe It’s because his hand is so rough?

“Just so you know: I’m not going to tend to every spank I hand out.” He grumbled as his hand began to gently knead the bound maid’s flesh.

“Aaahh.” Robin gasped breathlessly. “I- I’ll make sure to be on my best behaviour around you then.” She replied sarcastically. “You were lucky Sanji is still in the pantry. If he had heard me earlier, war might have broken out.”

"You think I'm scared of that nosebleed chef? I could-"

"Robin, could you come over here please?" Nami suddenly interrupted Zoro’s comeback.

Zoro swiftly drew back his hand. "Time to get to work." He remarked curtly.

"So it seems." Robin replied as she hurried over as fast as her high heels could carry her.

"Are you okay?" Nami asked worried.

"Yes, he just startled me. I expected him to be reluctant, but to join in like that really took me by surprise."

Nojiko glanced over at Robin's butt, which still possessed the traces of Zoro’s large hand. "Ouch."

"It's not as bad as it looks, the throbbing is mostly gone."

"Still, should I let you out now?" Nami offered.

The hana hana fruit eater raised her eyebrows. "What happened to being kept prisoner for a few days?"

"Hasn't the mood been somewhat ruined?" The weather manipulator replied as she reached for the first of the buckles.

"I can take a bit of punishment, Nami." Robin assured her. "Although Zoro did give me an idea just now for your first punishment game."

Nami flinched back. "On second thought, maybe I should pull the straps tighter instead, leave you bound for a little while longer."

Robin chuckled. "You'd think I was the domme right now, judging by the look on your face."

And the subsequent faint giggle from Nojiko put a grin on the historian's face.

Her orange haired friend frowned cutely. "Do you want me lace that mask back into place as well?"

"I'll behave, miss." Robin slipped right back into character with a deep bow.

Nami blinked a couple of times. "You've really blossomed since we went public with this."

"I try." The bombshell maid replied, jiggling her massive knockers enticingly.


Nami and Nojiko's hearts skipped a beat. "I'm… going to lie down again. You can re-join the group if you want."

"Really? You've barely interacted with me all day! Even Nojiko has given me more attention than you did."

"And I haven't regretted a second of it!" The blue haired girl assured.

The navigator shrugged. "Well, I figured you'd want to use your time to let the others get into this."

"And they have, splendidly. But you shouldn't let them have all the fun. Can't you use a maid?" The archaeologist teased.

"Hmm, well my shoulders are feeling a bit stiff. No doubt thanks to a certain someone contorting them into that stupid box armbinder-"

"-Which you bought-" Robin interrupted.

"-last night!" Nami had the final word. "So, if you promise to behave, I'll release you and let you massage me."

"Oh, so I'm not the only one who's discovered Robin has magic hands." Nojiko quipped.

"You have no idea." The orangette giggled, making her tall friend beam with pride.

The raven-haired woman then calmly turned around and let Nami work the straps and buckles loose. The navigator then lied on her front and pulled off her snow white tank top.

Robin began to slowly massage Nami’s back, steadily working upwards to her shoulders and neck.

“Oooaaahhh!” The cat burglar groaned in delight. "Have you ever worked undercover in a massage parlor?"


"Well you should've, with your fruit you could've made millions! Maybe tomorrow we should roleplay you as a masseuse?"

"I'm definitely remaining the captive tomorrow then?"

"Of course!"

The historian now leant in closer. "Even if you consider the fact I could just choke you unconscious and take the reins of power from you?" She whispered as her hands squeezed Nami's shoulders, slowly moving dangerously close to her throat.

The navigator’s eyes grew wide, and she instinctively tried to push herself up.

But Robin's strength and weight was too much for her, even with the sea stone slowing her down.

"Robin! Get off of me!"

"Of course, miss." The archaeologist said cheerfully, returning to her massage routine.

But Nami turned around and frowned at her friend. "What was that all about?"

"Just a little joke."

"You sounded quite serious just now."

"And yet you're still conscious." Robin countered, moving down to rub Nami's legs.

The weather manipulator arched her back in pleasure. "Stop distracting me!" She mewled.

"Doesn't it feel good?"

"It feels too good! I can't concentrate!"

"Haha, why would you? Just relax and give yourself over to me."

"I’m afraid to!"

"Good to know you're still a little intimidated by me then." The dark-haired woman replied. "I was beginning to fear your winning streak was making you overconfident."

The navigator flinched again. "You might have a point there. Sorry, Robin."

"So long as you remember we take turns, that's fine." The buxom historian replied gently, wrapping up her massage and folding her arms around her body again.

"You want me to strap you up again?"

"Weren't you planning to?"

Nami grinned. "You know me too well."

"That's a maid's job." Robin smirked.

However, the moment every buckle had snugly been latched into place


"Huh?" Robin tried to turn around to discern what that metallic noise was.

*click click click*

Nami had padlocked all of her buckles down with padlocks.

"Hey! What did you do that for?!"

"Because you were right, we do take turns. But I'm not ready to give mine up just yet. So from now on, I alone decide when you get to use those crafty hands of yours." Nami said triumphantly.

Robin frowned. That had been the second time in two days Nami pulled this stunt! "This isn't funny!" She moaned, jiggling the padlocks as she squirmed in her outfit. "Sanji's almost done cooking dinner."

"So? This means you'll be free from serving duty."

"I also won't be able to eat!"

"Oh, I'm certain someone will feed you… Or at least they would if this gag could come off!" The navigator mused as she wrestled a white ball gag past her squirming and screaming friend's lips, padlocking that in place as well!

"Aheee (NAMIIII)!" Robin growled furiously, thrashing around so badly she fell off the chair and began rolling around on the floor. But none of her restraints budged.

"If you behave, I'll save you a plate for after dinner." The orange haired domme promised. 

"For now, why don't you retreat to your room? You made a good point earlier: We've barely had any fun with just the two of us today."

"Hmrngg!" Robin growled again, glowering at Nami as she climbed to her feet – a clumsy and embarrassing process without the use of her hands- and shook her head to rattle the padlock on her gag.

"No, it's not coming off." The thief said stubbornly. "Now go to your room." She scolded.

"HMNR!" Robin stamped the floor so hard she almost broke the heel of her shoe before storming off.

"Nami, what just happened?" Nojiko asked consfused. "I thought you were enjoying a great massage, but then the mood suddenly shifted. Why did you do that to her?"

"Do what?"

"Trap her in that outfit like that?"

"She's been trapped all day."

"This is different and you know it." The bluenette said accusingly. "Not to mention how you locked that gag in place to prevent her from eating."

"Robin said it herself: She's hardier than we give her credit for. Don't worry Nojiko, I'll make it up to her this evening."

"You'd better, because if you ask me she seemed genuinely upset." The buxom bluenette remarked as she got up from the deck chair and headed for the kitchen. The delicious smells of Sanji's cooking soon helped her forget Robin's tantrum.

Nami however was left slightly more flustered as she followed her childhood friend into the dining room. I hope that was more of her acting just now. Robin couldn't really be THAT upset with me, could she?

The puzzled navigator still hadn't fully recovered from Robin’s tantrum when she joined the rest of her nakama at the dinner table.

However, thanks to Nojiko filling a seat, it wasn't until she'd taken her first bite that she realized they were two people short rather than just one.

"Hey, where is Sanji?" The orange haired girl asked."

"He went to offer 'maid-chan' a bite to eat." Usopp replied cheerfully.


"I explained that Robin was a bit tired so she retreated to her room to rest up." Nojiko had covered her friend.

"But as you can imagine, that made that damn ero-cook perk up instantly." Zoro continued. "He stormed straight out of here to bring her 'an energizing meal'."

The former cat burglar felt her eyes grow wide. NO!

She dropped her fork onto her plate and rushed towards Robin's room as fast as she could.

"Please wait Sanji-kun, I can expl-" but she stalled when she barged into Robin's room, only to find it empty.

"What?! Where are-" But Nami's blood froze as she realized.

There was only one place Robin could have gone. Only one room that held everything she needed, top of the list: the key to her sea stone collar!

The cat burglar spun around on her high heeled sandals as she tried to rush back out the door, only to see it slam shut by none other than Robin. Or rather, her copy. Because the bodacious historian was wearing absolutely nothing!

"I hope you'll forgive my wardrobe choice. Your outfit didn't exactly suit itself to materializing along with my copy, since it'd leave me bound." She said dryly.

"So, uh… Sanji found the key to your collar…"

"I did, actually. You're an expert thief Nami. But that does mean you have a very thorough system of filing everything away, something I've studied for a long time now." The tall raven haired woman said as she walked up to the trembling burglar. 

"However, if my knight in shining armour hadn't come along to offer me the meal you denied, I would have been helpless to use it."

"Yeah, he uh… he probably liked that role, didn't he?"

"You have no idea." The slender historian grinned. "Of course, I might have overacted my damsel in distress part a little, to goad him into helping me."

"If you were that eager to be let out, you could have just told me." Nami tried.

"How? I had been gagged." Robin said dryly. "In fact, I still am. Because even though sea stone key was easily found, the same cannot be said for the countless padlock keys you keep around. Poor Sanji is still fumbling around with the large stash I discovered, but not a single lock has opened up."

Nami couldn't suppress a smug grin. "That's strangely satisfying."

"I'm sure it is." The historian said coldly.

The orange haired young woman let out a long sigh in defeat.

Well, it was fun while it lasted.

"I take it this is the end of my reign?"

"Not at all."

"H-huh?! What?!"

"I'll give you a fair chance. We'll compete against each other’s' strengths."

"What do you mean?"

"After Sanji frees me from the buckles, he'll cuff my hands and feet again, then hand me a lockpick. I will try to escape using that.” Robin laid out her plains. “Meanwhile, you will have to escape ropes, which I will tie on you. The winner remains in charge. How does that sound?"

"It sounds… interesting." Nami admitted. "What's the catch?"

"There's no catch."

Nami frowned. "How many ropes are you going to use?"

"Two, the same as the number of cuffs that will be used on me."

"And the winner is whoever is completely free the first?"


"No devil fruit?"

"There will be no sea stone involved because I’m feeling a bit under the weather from my long term exposure. But I swear not to use my abilities."

The orangette pondered her options for a moment. Or rather, her lack of them. Either she agreed and got what seemed a fair chance at remaining in charge, or she refused and would probably end up bound even more tightly for being stubborn.


Robin smiled triumphantly. "Marvellous."

[One hour later] 

"That settles it I guess." Sanji declared. "Robin-chan is the winner."

After Sanji had finished 'rescuing' his Robin-chan from her straightjacket maid outfit and ball gag, he'd escorted the historian to Nami's room. She'd kept her uniform on to save time, and had brought the two lengths of rope she'd promised to use.

Meanwhile, Nami had selected two pairs of her favourite cuffs.

The setup had been exceedingly simple:

Nami had been bound and gagged with a ball gag.

Robin had been cuffed and cleave gagged.

Sanji acted as the nose-bleed referee to determine who got out first and guaranteed no cheating.

Robin had begun by tying her navigator friend up. She had crossed her ankles and folded her wrists behind her back into a reverse prayer, which she’d anchored into place with a chest harness that almost made Sanji drool.

When the archaeologist felt satisfied, she turned to Sanji and allowed him to cuff her hands and feet.

Then, the race began. One that Robin won.

Nami had squirmed for all she was worth, but the knots just wouldn't slip into reach.

Robin's escape didn't exactly go smoothly either. She ‘d been given a lockpick but even with that she turned out to have quite a bit of trouble thanks to Sanji annoyingly cuffing her hand behind her back. It meant she had to work blind, which took her considerably longer than she'd hoped. It wasn’t until she hopped over to a mirror and examined her situation that she really made progress.

But the dark haired woman been able to remain calm, because she knew she had all the time in the world.

And in the end she had been proven right, Robin had freed herself before Nami had managed to make any progress.

"HMNNN!" Nami cried out in frustration. Angry that she'd so categorically lost this bet.

Why couldn't I untie these ropes?! I've improved! I know I have! So why couldn't I find those damned knots?! There were only two ropes in play!!

Robin let out a soft, satisfied moan as she stretched her body.

"Let's go and have dinner, cook-san." Robin said, gesturing towards the door.

"What about Nami-swan?" The blond chef asked surprised.

"She hasn't finished the task yet." The historian said playfully. "Our cute navigator can join us after she's escaped."

"Can she? Escape I mean, your ropes look oddly secure, even after all of Nami-san’s impressive squirming "

Robin smiled calmly. "Oh, I'm sure she'll figure out a way." The historian lied. "Go on ahead to the kitchen. I'll be right there after you, I'm going to get changed first. This maid outfit is cute, but it is also rather hot to wear."

"If you say so," the swooning chef replied, "you and Nami-swan know these games a lot better after all." 

"Hmnnnrrr!" Nami cried out, seeing her only chance at freedom just walk out the door!

With the two young women now alone, Robin finally turned to her former captor.

Nami glared at the tall historian, feeling cheated somehow.

She KNEW I'd be unable to escape! She hustled me!

"(Robin)!" Nami growled.


"Heh hee ow (Let me out)!"

"Certainly, because you did so the moment I asked… Oh wait..."


"Growling at me will not make me change my mind. You lost your turn, fair and square this time." Robin replied, slipping out of her maid outfit and putting on a set of underwear she'd taken along from her room. She then searched the navigator's wardrobe and picked out black hotpants and a purple tank top that fitted so tightly around her chest you could see the lace on her bra through it.

"Hmm, guess you're still about a cup or two behind."

"Hmff." Nami huffed, her fingers still fluttering uselessly to try and free her hands.

"Sorry, I'm teasing." Robin apologised. "I'll leave you alone to concentrate."


"Good luck Nami."

"Hmnn (Nooo)!"

The tall historian raised a surprised eyebrow. She returned to her captive's side and kneeled down so she was at eye-height.

"You didn't really think I'd untie you, did you? We agreed the winner got to be in charge."

"Ahur ihur (after dinner)!" Nami frowned.

"When did we make that arrangement?"

"Aih huhee (I'm hungry)!"

In her hurry to chase after Sanji, the poor navigator never got to enjoy a single bite of food!

"I am too." Robin chuckled. "Which is why I hurried and escaped so I could join in with dinner." The historian replied as she got up again.

"Eh hee ow (Let me out)!" The bound and gagged cat burglar demanded once again.

"Why? You agreed to this match… But since I'm in a good mood, I'll be kind. Would you like me to point out where the key nots are?"

Nami nodded angrily. She'd been fumbling around for half an hour without any luck after all.

"Very well."

Robin moved on to touch the ropes, pressuring the small but sturdy knots into Nami's skin.

"You need to undo this, this and this knot to free your hands. As for your feet, just this one will do to create the slack you need to shimmy out of the ropes." She lectured.

Problem was, all of those knots were miles away from her hands!

"Ow ih hoo ooh hah (How did you do that)?!"

"Do what?"

"Aih huh hoh ooh ahr ahey (Tie the knots so far away)!"

"By carefully pulling the ropes tight and positioning your limbs so you'd lock yourself in place. For that matter a well-tied reverse prayer is pretty much guaranteed to be inescapable."

"Ash hoh air (That's not fair)!"

"Neither is using tape to cover knots."

"Hmrngng! Heh hee ow (Let me out)!" Nami growled, her stomach rumbling.

"Maybe later, after I have decided on what your outfit for tomorrow will be."

"Oh-hoh-how (Tomorrow)?!"

"Of course. It's my turn to be in charge after all. And I must admit your innovative idea for long term games struck a chord with me."

Nami felt a cold chill run down her spine. Not only had she been captured, the bodacious navigator had an inkling Robin wouldn't drop the ball like she had. She probably wasn't getting out until Robin wished so.


Nojiko! I need to get to her! She'll untie me. Then maybe we'll stand a chance at grabbing Robin again!

"Good luck escaping, Nami. I'll leave you with something to keep you entertained, like you did for me" Robin said as she slipped a vibrating bead past her panties.

Nami didn't appreciate that.

"Hmnnnr!" She shrieked as her labia began to moisten almost instantly.

"I should get going now, I'd hate for the food to grow cold." Robin mused as she lifted the lid of the hotpot Sanji had brought along, back when he'd intended to feed 'maid-chan'. The uncovered cooking pot slowly began filling Nami's room with the sensational smell of Sanji's cooking.

But poor Nami had no way of sampling it!

"Hmnnn!" The cute cat burglar mewled in frustration as the sweet and spicy smell whetted her appetite all the more.

She tried to climb to her feet, hoping to hop over to where her blue haired friend was. Sadly, Robin had crossed her ankles and made it virtually impossible to keep her balance.

"Aaah!" She yelped as she tumbled backwards and fell back onto the bed, tightening up the chest harness in the process.

"Owww!" Nami moaned as her already large knockers bulged even more.

This is bad. I can't even head out and look for Nojiko like this. And since dinner is served, she'll probably be eating with the rest of my friends instead of looking for me…

"Hmnrrrrn!" The weather manipulator screamed at the top of her lungs, trying to vent her anger along with the sexual frustration building inside her love box.

I want out! I want to eat! And I want this throbbing in my breasts and pussy to stop!

45 Minutes and a delicious dinner for most crew members later, Nami was still thrashing around like a madwoman.

She hadn't made any progress though, and her exertions had only made the food smell better.

I want a bite... Where is Robin? Or Nojiko for that matter.

Suddenly, Nami's door swung open.

"Hmrn?" The navigator grunted surprised.

"Hey there, Nami." Nojiko said as she walked inside.

"OH-IHO (NOJIKO)!" The orangette yelped as her heart swelled in relief. For about two seconds.

The bluenette was trapped in an armbinder.

NO! The navigator thought in despair.

"I decided to come and see how you were doing. But wow, when Robin takes revenge she really goes to town! It's not all that much rope, but still. I don't see you getting out of that on your own. Ever."

Nami groaned in frustration. Mainly because she knew it to be true.

"Aih hih ooh ehh huh aih ooh uh (Why did you let her tie you up)?!" Nami grumbled. "Ow ooh ahn eeh hee (Now you can't free me)."

"Those were the terms." Nojiko replied. "I could pay you a visit, but only if I promised not to untie you. She strapped me into this for good measure, she'll let me out right afterwards."

Nami rolled her eyes. Yeah, and after that she'll go for a swim.

"Anyhow, I'm going to head back now, Luffy said something about throwing a party in honour of my visiting. It sounds really sweet." The bluenette said, not realizing the Straw Hats partied virtually every evening.

“Aihh (wait)!” The orangette called out desperately, but Nojiko had already left the room. It would have been pointless anyways, that armbinder would’ve kept her from assisting. And there was a good chance Robin was keeping an eye on them both…

Let’s just hope Nojiko will have more luck persuading Robin to release her.

"I'm back, Robin." Nojiko chimed as she arrived on a secluded part of the sun deck. Robin was lying down on a deck chair, enjoying the warm rays of the evening sun now that her body no longer had all that leather blocking it.

"I can see that." The bodacious historian said, putting down the glass of wine Sanji had brought over as she basked in the sun. Dinner had been immensely fulfilling, mainly thanks to the appetite she'd worked up tending to everyone's needs and occasionally squirming in her tight outfit

The bluenette sat down and turned her back to Robin. "I'm ready for you to take off this armbinder."

"Already? but you just got strapped in." She teased.

Nojiko's eyes shot open as she spun around on the deck chair. "Nami was right! You tricked me! You're not going to let me out after all!" She yelped in panic, immediately starting to twist and turn her arms to try and wrench the leather contraption off of her. But as Robin had instructed during the fitting, that thing was designed to stay on, and it had been designed well.

The historian laughed softly. "I will let you out if you want me to."

The mikan expert blinked in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that I'll free you if that's what you want. But I did promise you to return the favour from the bathroom. Now that I'm free, I can."

"So… it's up to me?"

Robin nodded. "So, do you still want me to let you out?"

Nojiko began pondering for a moment. A light blush formed on her cheeks as she began imagining what Robin could do whilst she was in charge rather than bound. How could she pass this up?!

"What are you going to do to me?" She asked softly, her eyes shining eagerly as the faint blush enhanced her beautiful bronze skin.


The sight of her graceful bluenette captive made Robin's heart skip a beat, as well as sent a shiver down her spine.

She’s absolutely adorable!

"I am going to show you heaven on Earth." Robin promised.

"Like in the bathroom?"

"Oh no, that was 'entertaining' at best. We can climb so much higher." Robin whispered, leaning forward to press her lips into Nojiko's neck.

"We can?" She gasped.

"Ohh, yes." Robin assured her. "Much."

"Then let's get to your room!" Nojiko exclaimed.

"What for? We can get started here."

"Out in the open?!" The bluenette yelped, instinctively looking around and over her shoulder to try and spot any other crew members.

"Everyone is out on the lawn deck, setting up your welcoming party. We won't be disturbed here." Robin replied, pulling Nojiko into her lap and squeezing her breasts.

"Aaaah!" Nojko gasped once more, squirming in the tall historian's arms. "Let go!"

"Why should I?"

"Someone will see us!"

"They won't. Probably."


Robin pinched the bluenette's nipples through her shirt.


"We won't remain hidden if you keep being so noisy."

"That's not fair!" Nojiko whined. "You're the reason I'm making all this noise!"

"Then should I stop?" The archaeologist offered, pulling back her hands after giving her captive's knockers another squeeze.

"Nooo!" She mewled, squirming in Robin's lap. "Not fair!"

The raven haired woman couldn't help but chuckle. "You're surprisingly needy."

"That's your fault! After everything that happened in the bath tub, I've been on edge all day."

"Then stop resisting." Robin countered. "I promise you won't regret it."

"As if I could." Nojiko moaned, pulling at the armbinder. "This armbinder thing is impossible!"

"Fun, isn't it?"

"Maybe for you! But I can't do anything to stop you!"

"Why would you want to stop me?" The bombshell historian retorted, summoning an extra pair of hands to start massaging her clit in tandem with her breasts.


"So, should I still stop?"

"Hmnn." Nojiko bit her lip to stifle herself, but she fervently shook her head nonetheless.

"Good girl." The historian complimented, pulling at her nipple.

"Hiii! Not so hard!"

"Is this more to your liking?" Robin offered as she stroked the supple skin of Nojiko's right breast, circling her nipple without touching it."

"Haaahhh!" The bluenette gasped. "Yeees!"

"Nice to know. I'm still getting a feel for you, so forgive me if I seem a little slow on the uptake."

She calls this SLOW?! Nojiko thought in awe. Now I see why Nami loves being on this ship!


"You can lose the 'san'. Or add a 'sama', whatever makes you feel more comfortable." The historian teased.

"T-then… mistress?"

Robin chuckled audibly. "You are an even quicker student than Nami!" She said pleased.

"T-thank you mistress. But could you please stop teasing me?" The bluenette pleaded, hinting at the painfully slow pace Robin's hands were massaging her body. By now there were 8 in the game, occupied with Nojiko's thighs, waist, her breasts and naturally her labia.

"Why should I?" Robin taunted.

"Because I feel like I'm going to burst into flames!"

"But I've barely warmed up." The hana hana fruit eater moaned.

"Okay, now you're just showing off!" Nojiko countered, trying to wriggle her way out of her grasp again. But to her surprise, Robin had somehow tied her ankles to the deck chair using silk ribbons, without her noticing!

"How did you- Aaahh!"

She was interrupted by a set of fingers pinching her clit, making her flinch and flail in Robin's lap.

"Hey, calm down." She warned. "You're going to lure others over here."

"Then gag me!" The bluenette moaned.

"Excuse me?"

"I can't promise I'll be able to keep quiet if you continue to push my buttons like thiiiiis!" Nojiko wailed as her labia, clit and nipples were suddenly tugged on all at once.

"Haha, let's make that the challenge for today."

"Hmrrn! Me keeping quiet without a gag?"


"That's so unfair!" She mewled in protest. "I was much nicer to you in the bath!"

"I'd think not gagging you would be nicer than doing so."

"Funny how a little fondling can mess up your perspective." The blue haired captive groaned.

Robin smirked. "I've been there." She admitted, tightening the ribbons tethering Nojiko's ankles to force her to keep her legs spread.

"Hmrrn! No fair!"

"What's not fair?"

"I can't fight back like this!"

"Why fight something you enjoy?" Robin whispered into her ear, nibbling on the bluenette's lobe as she slowly descended to pepper her neck, chest and waist in kisses, all the way until she reached her luscious hips, already shaking with desire. Once she made it there, she gently took hold of the blue haired's black thong with her teeth and slowly pulled it down.

"Aaahhh!" Nojiko gasped, her pussy quivering as it was exposed to the gentle sea breeze. "Hurry up!" She mewled.

"Hurry up, who?"

"Hurry up, mistress!"

"Good girl." The archaeologist complimented before diving into her captive's snatch, tongue first.

"Ooooaaahhhh! YES! YE-mpfffnn!" A pair of hands just appeared out of thin air to muffle her voice.

"Hmrnnn?!" She moaned in surprise, instinctively trying to dislodge the hands.

"Don't mind them." Robin mentioned casually as she came up for a breath. "Just let it all out and allow those hands to keep your voice down."

Thank God! Nojiko thought relieved. I was getting scared of biting my tongue trying to keep quiet. She knows exactly what I need every step of the way!

Any other thoughts were obscured by the hormone and adrenaline buzz surging forth thanks to Robin diving back into Nojiko's most sensitive flesh.

"HMMNNNN!" The bluenette screamed, jerking against the ribbons round her ankles and the armbinder like a madwoman. She didn't want to, but it felt so good she couldn't control herself. And it didn't help that Robin knew exactly when to slow down just enough to evade her orgasm. Three times over!

"HMNH-HHUUUHHH!" Nojiko shrieked at the top of her lungs, nudging her hips forward in desperation after Robin pulled back yet again.

"Am I pushing you too hard?"

The tanned babe nodded angrily.

Robin removed her hands from Nojiko's mouth.

"Why do you keep backing down?" She whimpered needily. "You've been tormenting me for ages!"

"Hardly. This has only been going on for 10-or-so minutes."

"W-what? That can't be!"

"I assure you. Just look at the sun. It's barely dropped."

Nojiko had to admit that was right. She didn't understand how it was possible, and it irritated her, but she really had been pushed near her breaking point in just a couple of minutes!

"T-then… You made it feel longer somehow." She pouted.

"That's what a good domme does: completely take over her captive's senses, using them to bring pleasure you couldn't even imagine on your own."

"Well I'm not feeling all that pleasured. More horny and frustrated." The bluenette complained.

"I suppose my prolonged captivity has made me a bit too anxious to get back in the game." Robin admitted. "Let me fix that."


And the hand gag was back. As were the numerous frisky hands, Robin's divine lips and lightning fast tongue.

Except this time, Robin was going all the way. It didn't take an experienced lover to know that. And by God did Nojiko welcomed it!

"Hmnf! Hmmn! HHMMNRRRNNNN!" She moaned into Robin's hands, so loud the historian needed to conjure up a second pair to keep her high-pitched voice contained.

But Nojiko couldn't care less. All she was focused on right now was making the feeling last longer. 

And Robin was too, because she kept lapping at the bluenette's labia and slurping up her love juice as it surged forth.


Mooooreeee !!

The young woman howled, thrusting her hips into Robin's features hungrily. If she could move her legs right now, she'd wrap them around Robin's head and keep her there for the next half hour.

However it turned out that just 15 minutes of Robin's professional loving was more than enough to satiate the bluenette. To the point of almost passing out from euphoria.

When she'd calmed down again, Robin finally freed Nojiko from the armbinder. She also began massaging her body, to gently coax her limbs back into shape after being pinned down so tightly.

"That was… amazing." The blue haired girl panted.

"I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it."

"I did… But thank God no one noticed us."

"I kept two sets of eyes and ears posted on every route to this part of the deck. If anyone had come towards us, I would've stopped and freed you before we could be spotted." Robin replied.

"Then why didn't you tell me that?!" Nojiko frowned, pulling at her armbinder, which had remained annoyingly intact despite her wriggling and fidgeting.

"Because that would've ruined the fun." She replied playfully. "Now turn around. I'm going to let you out, after which we'll be joining the party. From the noise I can tell they've gotten started without us."

"What about Nami?"

"She remains captive, of course.”


"Until sometime tomorrow afternoon."

"That long?!"

“Don't worry. I'll take good care of her. You trust me to, don't you?"

"Well you've proven to be skilled."

"And I promise not to hurt her." The historian repeated. "But she needs to be taught a lesson."

"But why? You like being tied up, don't you?"

"I do. But I don't like someone getting the drop on me. I know it sounds petty, but call it professional pride. Something from my previous life."

Nojiko shrugged. "If you insist. However, Nami doesn’t like someone getting the drop over her any more than you do. I assume you realize this'll just make her want to get back at you even more?"

Robin smiled calmly at the tanned young woman. "Not if I get my message across as effectively as I hope."

The blue haired girl felt a tingle down her base of spine. Robin hadn't sounded all that different, but a faint glint in her eyes made Nojiko suspect her sister might be in more trouble than she'd thought…"


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