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"I'm sorry Ikumi-san."  Tadokoro Megumi said as she elected Soma's dish as the better one. 

And with that, Yukihira Soma had beaten Mito Ikumi 2 to 1 in an 'off the record' shokugeki inside Polar Star dormitory. 

Satoshi Isshiki had also chosen Soma's dish to be the winner, whilst Ryoko Sakaki had decided Ikumi's meal came out on top. A small comfort, given that the blonde meat master had just now lost to her red haired rival for the second time!

"Fine! So you beat me! Now what?" She said with a pouting look on her face.

The terms of the shokugeki had been exceedingly simple: The loser had to obey the winner for an entire day.

And Soma’s request was even simpler.

He smiled at Ikumi. "Come to my room this evening." He said cheerfully.

That had made quite a lot of eyes widen around the room. But none had shot open as wide as Ikumi's herself.

"Y-Y-Your room?!" She stammered. 

"What? You don't want to?" Soma asked confused. "The terms of the shokugeki were the loser obeys the winner for a day." 

"I know, I agreed to them. I just didn't think you'd pick THIS day, but a full one."

"I only need the evening though. What had your plan been then?"

Now the blonde bombshell's blush got even fuller. "N-None of your business you idiot!" She yelped as she dashed out of Polar Star dormitory, her mind flooded with fantasies about her and Soma going on a full day date… 

"9 O' clock sharp!" The red haired young man shouted as he chased after the blonde until he was standing in the doorway leading out of the dormitory. 

"I know dumbass! I'll be there!" She shouted back angrily. 

Once in her room, Ikumi spent the better part of an hour going through her wardrobe.

"Oh, God! Why is this so difficult?! I should just pick whatever I want, shouldn't I?" She told her reflection in the mirror, scowling at it as she stood there in just her pink lace thong and letting her magnificent rack hang free but firm. 

The blonde bombshell took a deep breath. "Okay, one more time."

She pulled out her school uniform and held it out in front of her. But within seconds the tossed it aside.

"What am I? Twelve?! This is after school hours!"

She next went for one of her more ordinary outfits:

A pair of tight fitting white jeans, hugging her curves quite beautifully. A lime green buttoned up blouse with the bra that matched her pink thong underneath.

"This isn't so bad." The young cook murmured at the mirror. "Casual, but still cute." 

There was only one issue with her current outfit, mainly the top part. That particular blouse was one she'd bought about 2 years ago. And by now the fit was… tight at best.

As she eyed the part of her blouse pulled taut by her fulsome chest, she spotted one of the buttons was stretched to the limit.

"Yeah, go ahead and walk up to him like this, Ikumi. Nothing says 'here I am' like taking out his eye with a button popping off at your first deep breath." She growled, stepping out of her trousers and shirt.

And the issue was, most of her shirts had this problem. Ever since coming to Totsuki she hadn’t bothered with buttoning up for any occasion. Hence her current wardrobe wasn’t entirely in tune with her so recently matured, and now wildly attractive body.

"Aarhh! Forget it!” The voluptuous girl growled at her closet. “I'm wearing what I normally wear and that's it! I am my own woman darn it! If he doesn't like it, though!"

Evening time, two minutes before 21:00

*Knock Knock*

Soma sat upright in his bed, smiling brightly at his door. "Coming." He said as he rushed over to open up. 

In front of him stood Mito Ikumi, staring him straight in the eye whilst trying to keep herself from blushing.

Her outfit was as stunning as always:

She’d settled for a red bikini top with yellow flares, black hotpants and short red boots with a slight heel in them. As per usual, this meant quite a lot of her perfectly smooth, bronze skin was on full display. To her delight, she’d received more than one longing glance on her way over to Polar star.

Looks like I made the right choice after all… She’d thought with a self-satisfied smirk as man after man had gazed upon her impeccable body whilst she made her way through Totsuki's grounds and finally inside Polar star.

Soma on the other hand had responded to Ikumi's appearance in his trademark casual manner.

"Hi Nikumi-chan. Glad you kept up your end of the promise." He’d chimed, stepping aside to let the blonde enter his room. 

"Like I would bail out over this!" Ikumi said, a little more forcefully than she'd wished due to her nerves. "So, what do you want from me anyways?" She asked, trying to stop her heart from racing in her chest.

"I wanted to show you something, but I have to set up a few preparations first before we can get started."

"What kind of preparations?" She asked suspiciously.

"Well, for starters I'm going to have you sit down in this chair." The redhead chef replied, setting a rather plain but sturdy wooden chair in the middle of his room.

The blonde raised her eyebrows at him. You're even weirder than normal today…

“Fine, no problem.” She said, slowly walking across the room.

However, as she strode past the young man, he suddenly grabbed her from behind and forced her arms behind her back. 

"Hey?! What the hell is this?!" She screamed flustered as she felt something coarse being wrapped around her wrists.

Naturally, she began struggling to pull her arms apart. But Soma's lightning fast hands had already cinched her wrists together before the blonde had full well realized what was happening.

"Calm down Nikumi, this is also part of the preparations."

"Tying me up, is part of 'preparations'?!" She shrieked as she realized Soma had tied a rope around her hands, quite effectively too. "What the hell are you planning to do?!"

"I'm not telling yet. In any regard, you can't resist. The shokugeki's terms were clear, remember?" 

"Tsk." The blonde frowned. Hiding behind that to make me obey, he's a real-

"Besides, don't you trust me?" Soma suddenly said, sounding surprisingly gentle considering what he just did.


"I said: don't you trust me?"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what I said: Do you or do you not trust me to take care of you?"

Hearing him phrase it like that made the bodacious cook's cheeks turn the colour of ripe strawberries. "I-I do; I guess…"

"Then relax and enjoy the ride." Soma said confidently, pushing the blonde chef's elbows together, thrusting her chest out so fiercely her large knockers bounced a little.

"Owww! Not so rough!" She moaned as she felt yet another rope looped into place and tightened off at the speed of sound.

Once Soma backed off again, the young girl gave her arms a testing wriggle. But other than uselessly flailing them around like a single solid bar, she couldn't do anything with them anymore.

This is… incredibly tight! She thought nervously. I don't think I could get out of this even if I had my trusty blades strapped to me! I can't reach anything!

"What are you going to do to me?" Ikumi asked her rival cook, a tinge of fear permeating her question.

Soma picked up on it, because he tried his best to make her feel comfortable again.

"I'm a cook, what do you think I'm going to do? I'm going to prepare you a meal."

Ikumi's eyes widened. "Then what do I have to be tied up for?!" She protested. 

But then a memory flashed by. Soma had the weird habit of making utterly disgusting food! 

He's not going to subject me to an entire night of taste testing his worst creations is he?

"What kind of food?" She asked, narrowing her eyes as she backed away from the chair and fidgeted with her arms to get out of her ropes. Sadly, she found that last plan fell down completely.

"Not telling yet." Soma replied with a playful grin. "But I can tell you my plan is to broaden your palate…"

"That doesn't sound very reassuring." Ikumi replied, contemplating making a rush for the door. She was certain it hadn't been locked. On the other hand, that would mean running around Polar Star and maybe even the school grounds in her ridiculously helpless state…

He's got me trapped. She realized. Is this where the rope came in?

"Yukihira, stop bullshitting me!" The blonde yelled, now failing to hide how nervous she was. "Either you tell me what it is you're going to do to me right now, or I'm calling off this Shokugeki deal. It wasn't an official one anyways!"

The red-haired young man looked at his friend in surprise, then just sighed disappointed.

"Okay, okay. If you're really that worked up about it, fine. I didn't want to scare you, sorry."

"I'm not scared!" She protested annoyed.

"Then why are you standing just a few inches away from my door?" Soma retorted.

"T-That- I-I- " The blonde stuttered. "Jus- Just shut up and spill the beans!"

"Fine. My plan was to feed you a vegetarian dish."


"I wanted to show you the joys of preparing and eating a meal that contained no meat. I figured you'd probably never once eaten something like that."

"I have, as a matter of fact." The chef in training countered. "I didn't like it at all. Vegetarian dishes lack body, they lack power. No matter what you try, if you don't have the savouriness of quality meat as a base the dish turns out bland!"

The redhead chef grinned. "Wanna bet?"

The blonde's eyes widened. Why is he always so confident?!

"No thank you, I'm still struggling with the last bet you tricked me into." She said sourly.

"I noticed." Soma chuckled. "Can't get out of those ropes, can you?" He teased as Ikumi kept shifting her arms around, making her massive knockers jiggle enticingly as a result. "Bet you wished you'd gone for a top with more support right about now, huh?"

Ikumi turned as crimson as freshly ground chilli peppers. "You jackass! Don't stare at my chest!"

"Then why do you have it on display, meat master?" He taunted, pulling back the chair invitingly. "But we are getting off topic here, have a sit down."

"First you're taking these ropes off me." She demanded.

"No can do. For this to work, I'll be having you use only your taste and smell."

Taste and smell? The blonde repeated in her mind. Wait, he didn't include-

"Are you going to blindfold me as well?!" The bodacious chef yelped nervously.

"Yes I am." Soma replied, holding up a small black kitchen towel. 

"You're nuts!" She yelped stunned.

"I just know what I'm doing." Soma replied confident as ever, rocking the chair a little."

"Tsk, I don't really have a choice, do I?" ikumi growled, giving up on trying to reach for a knot behind her back, since apparently Soma hadn’t used any knots. At least not anywhere around her hand. Because despite her efforts, the blonde hadn't felt a single one, and she'd felt around everywhere in reach of her fluttering fingers.

"Of course you do. If you really want to, I'll let you go. But… that would mean you don't trust me after all." The young chef replied, giving the blonde an ice cold stare.

In truth, he was bluffing. He really wanted to go through with this plan, but if Ikumi didn't seat herself willingly then there would be no point. There was no way she could enjoy his food if she was all worked up after all…

The blonde stared at her rival with wide eyes. He'll let me go if I ask him?! But I suppose what he said is right: If I run away from him now, I'll have probably wasted my best chance to… t-to…

The young girl shook her head. "Shut up!" She growled. "I'm not scared of you!" She said loudly, stamping over to the chair planting her magnificently firm and round buttocks onto the hard wooden seat. Her arms she'd lowered behind the armrest, exactly as Soma had been gunning for. 

"Happy now?"

"Not yet, but it’s a start."

Ikumi didn’t know where he’d gotten them from so quickly, but in the blink of an eye Soma was brandishing more hemp ropes and cinching them around her wrist bonds.

“Hey!” The blonde protested as she felt her already useless arms drawn towards the base of the chair, where Soma tied off the rope to force her arms to remain centrally aligned with the backrest, not a single inch of wriggle room left for her.

“Oofff!!” Ikumi gasped as her arms were forced down and her chest was forced outward, making the tight red bra bulge a little under pressure from her large knockers.

Within the blink of an eye, the red haired young man had moved around to the front of the chair and cinched her ankles to the base of either leg.

“Stop it!” His captive moaned nervously as she tried to lift her legs, only to find the rope digging into her ankles as she strained against it.

But he didn't. And for his next move Soma tied a pair of ropes around her thighs, tethering those to the top of each chair leg and forcing Ikumi to keep her legs spread apart a little.

The end result of the young man’s lightning quick handiwork left poor Ikumi completely pinned to her chair, unable to move, unable to resist whatever Soma had planned for her anymore.

"Did you have to use more rope?" The blonde moaned with a mixture of anger and fear. "I already said I trusted you..."

"Technically, you didn't. You yelled you weren’t scared and sat down on this chair. But it’ll do I guess." Soma replied. "Still, I wanted to play safe and ensure you couldn't bail out on me halfway."

"Like I would do something like that!" The young girl said offended, rocking the chair as she struggled angrily but failing to make anything budge. "You won the duel fair and square so I’ll respect your terms!”

“Great to hear.” He replied just before tying the slim black towel over her eyes to completely block out her sight.

“Ah!” Ikumi yelped startled. “You could’ve warned me, Yukihira!”

“I told you what I had planned.” He replied.

“But I don’t see any food yet! You could have waited with the blindfold until the food was ready to be served.”

“No can do, I’m going to keep you from witnessing the cooking process as well.” The red haired cook replied, firing up a portable stove.

“Hmmn, then I’m guessing you won’t tell me what you’ll be making either?”

“Of course not.” The cook replied as he pulled a large refrigerated box out from under his bed and took out ingredients he’d only picked after Ikumi had left Polar star earlier that day.

The red haired young man then went completely silent and began working away, leaving Ikumi to sit and fidget on her chair, forced to take in all of the sounds and smells of his kitchen efforts.

At first the blonde babe tried to ignore the industrious chopping, sizzling sounds and rich flavours permeating the air. But about 10 minutes into the dish, a very mysterious smell hit her nostrils.

This smell! It can’t be! It’s just like meat! But he said this was a vegetarian dish!!

“What the hell are you making there?!”

But she was utterly ignored by a focused Soma.

“Aaah, don’t ignore me!” The blonde said angrily, rocking her chair again in protest. But other than chafing her wrists and ankles a little, nothing came from that.

It took a good half hour for Soma’s dish to be completed, after which he suddenly addressed a sulking Ikumi.

“Okay, I’m ready for you to taste my meal!”

“Finally, let’s get this over with so I can get out of this stupid chair!” She growled, twisting her hands to try and work them loose since she had enough of being immobilized.

"Open up." Soma said softly as he fed the blonde young woman her first bite.

Ikumi obeyed, allowing the red haired cook to slowly slide the spoon past her fulsome lips. She closed her mouth and took in the food as the spoon slipped past her lips again, leaving the dish behind. As the meat master slowly chewed down on her mouthful of vegetables, her eyes widened behind the blindfold. A positive bombardment of flavours assaulted her tastebuds, the depth and strenght of the different ingredients coming together better with each time she chewed.

It didn't take her long to analyze what Soma had fed her.

This is… eggplant! Of course, it’s a very ‘meaty’ vegetable, often used as a replacement! But how did he give it this powerful kick?... Parmesan? Yes, definitely. And tomato of course, but what else…

“Have you found out the trick yet?” The red haired boy asked as he held out a second spoon.

Ikumi eagerly took it in, only to be overwhelmed by an even greater assault than the first time!

How is this possible? I’m not adapting to the taste; instead it keeps strengthening with every bite?! What am I missing... It’s powerful, but at the same time it’s as if it’s not really there. Its taste is familiar, but at the same time elusive …

Suddenly it hit the blonde, at the moment she swallowed her second bite.

“Garlic!” She yelled in a genuine 'Eureka!' moment.

“Bingo!” Soma said triumphantly. “I mixed just a tiny bit of crushed garlic into the tomato and olive oil sauce. As you know garlic can overpower a dish very easily, but when used in such a minute amount as here, it actually serves to rearrange the entire palate!

He’s right there… I can’t believe I didn’t spot it was garlic straight away!

“So, pretty tasty for a vegetarian dish huh?” The red haired chef said, his smirk lost on a blindfolded Ikumi.

She twitched in her bindings. “Argh, Fine.” She sighed, less annoyed than she’d expected to be at having been proven wrong. No doubt the aftertaste of Soma’s heavenly cooking was to blame for that.

“Okay Yukihira. I’ll admit that this was just as fulfilling as any meat dish. You don’t need meat or fat to create a meal with impact.” Ikumi said grudgingly. “If you’re happy now, how about taking this blindfold off then?”

“Not yet, I’m not done with my lecture about this dish.”

“I don’t care about your stupid vegetable dish! I already admitted it tasted good, that should be enough. Now untie me!”

But Soma stubbornly continued.

"The combination of these ingredients has also been proven to have a strong aphrodisiac effect."

"What?! That's impossible! You think an assortment of greens is going to turn me on?!" The blonde said haughtily

"Well from the looks of it, they already have."


"Haven't you noticed? Your nipples… are hard."

"NO!" Ikumi shrieked in disbelief, looking down as a matter of reflex. But of course the blindfold meant she saw nothing. 

The red haired chef chuckled. "Here, let me help make things clear for you."

He pinched her left nipple, which was indeed as firm as a fresh paprika.

"Kyaaaa!!" Ikumi shrieked. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"Moving things along."

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

“Like you don’t know.” The red haired young man replied.

The helpless girl began squirming against her ropes again nervously. Don’t tell me… he knows?!

“You’re not making any sense.” She tried to bluff, although not even she knew why she was still denying her feelings.

Soma sighed. “I figured this was going to happen. By the way you acted during our Kaarage battle I assumed you’d open up to me eventually. When you kept your distance, I decided to take matters into my own hands.”

"You mean you tricked me into- hmnrmrnn!" The blonde chef in training began to say, only to have a sturdy rubber ring shoved past her lips out of nowhere, muddling up her speech. 

"Ah ih ishh?! (What is this?!)" Ikumi moaned startled as Soma tightly buckled the ring gag.

"This is a compromise. It ensures you remain relatively quiet, but I can keep feeding you bits and pieces of my food too if the need arises."

"Aek ih oww (take it out)!" The blonde demanded, thrashing on her chair and shaking her head to try and dislodge the ring gag violating those sensitive lips of hers. But her captor had buckled it up way too tightly for that. Even when she attempted pushing it out of place with her tongue, to her embarrassment it instead slipped out of her mouth. Try as she might, she just couldn't get any purchase on the smooth rubber which was already beginning to grow wet from her forced salivation.

Robbed from her sight, speech, and not to forget her movement, Ikumi began to feel a pit growing in her stomach. He’s got me exactly where he wants me… Right now he could do whatever he wished with me, and I wouldn’t be able to resist in any way!

Ikumi expected a feeling of dread to overcome her as that thought set in. But instead, she felt… excited?!

Is this because of that damned dish of his? I’ve got to get out of here!

“Hmmrnn.” The voluptuous blonde groaned as she started straining against her ropes more forcefully than ever. Her fingers began dancing around, grasping every inch of rope they could feel out in the hopes of spotting a knot to pick.

But it was hopeless. Neither brute strength nor a sensitive approach was having any effect. If anything, the more the bodacious blonde damsel struggled against her ropes, the tighter they felt!

After just five minutes, Ikumi was forced to slump down on her chair, panting heavily after throwing everything but the kitchen sink at her confines, but having come up short.

Soma incidentally had spent that time calmly enjoying his friend's show. All her frantic squirming was making that impressive bust of her dance around enticingly, whilst small beads of sweat pearled atop her smooth tanned skin and gave it a delectable shine.

"You're still quite loud, maybe I should have gone for a better gag after all." He taunted after the blonde had finally calmed down.

"Uh-gi-hi-aaa (Yukihiraaa)!!" Ikumi growled at her captor, staring right at where the voice came from, her eyes glaring as if trying to burn through the blindfold.

“Okay, second taste test coming up.” The redhead chef continued in the most casual way imaginable.

“OH (NO)!” The blonde protested. “AI AN OW! EH HEE G- (I WANT OUT! LET ME G-!)” But her rant was cut short by Soma carefully slipping a small spoon past the rubber ring.

“EEHH (HEY)!” Ikumi garbled as her tongue struck the metal spoon, inevitably ending up coated in more of that heavenly sauce.

But something was different this time around, the sauce had received a twist! 

This is a lot sweeter now, almost desert sweet. But it still retains the savouriness… How did he pull that off?!

"Ah ish izz (What is this)?" She asked, momentarily forgetting to be angry.

"The sauce from earlier, enriched with lemon zest, honey and cinnamon. Pretty good huh?"

"Hmf, ay-hee. (Hmf, maybe.)" She admitted grudgingly.

“Maybe, huh? Then why are you drooling?” Soma teased.

“HRRRR!! E-UZ OR AH ISH A-HIN EE (BECAUSE YOUR GAG IS MAKING ME)!!” She bellowed, stamping her boots on the floor in anger and making the chair they’re tied to creak as a result. “Hmrnn!” She grunted in anger at the ropes chafing her legs.

“Hahaha. Sorry, couldn’t resist that one. But you know, this sauce has an even bigger advantage.” The red haired chef said mysteriously.


“The really cool thing about this sauce,” Soma continued as he filled a large spoon with the non-sweetened version, “is that even though this is meant for a vegetable dish, it’s so customizable it can be sweetened, or alternatively with a bit of spice it’ll work equally well with meat too…"

Without any warning to the blind girl tied to his chair, he then pulled down Ikumi’s top to expose her huge and supple breasts.

"HMMRNN?! Ah arr oo o-hin?! (What are you doing?!" Ikumi shrieked, fidgeting on her chair as her beautiful mammaries and rock hard buds were exposed to the world.

"I told you: using this sauce on meat." Soma replied casually.

He carefully draped some of the still pleasantly warm sauce over Ikumi's impressive rack, making her flinch and squeal in surprise.

The initial stickiness sent a shiver down her spine, but soon the just right temperature of the smooth gloopy sauce blended with her own overly heated body, providing her with a relaxing glow to cover her naked breasts.


Before she’d known it, a gentle moan had escaped the blonde.

But that was only the beginning.

While his captive was still taking in the warm thick sauce dripping over her sensitive chest, Soma leant on the chair, placing a hand on the seat in between Ikumi's thighs. He then closed in to lick up a thin line in the sauce with the tip of his tongue. 

"Hiiiii!!" Ikumi squealed, flinching back in shock. 

What was THAT?! She thought flustered. An earthquake of pleasure had erupted throughout her body, its epicentre the very spot where Soma's tongue had first touched her magnificent rack.

“Felt good, didn’t it?”

The blonde wanted to say no. She wanted to scream at Soma to stop this sick game and untie her from that chair. But it was as if her body was no longer her own. Despite feeling so hot she feared she was going to melt like rich butter in a red hot saucepan, Ikumi couldn’t help shivering all over. Shivering in need for more of that pleasurable sensation.

“Hmnn.” The young girl gasped, slowly nodding her head whilst her cheeks took the colour of a ripe apple.

I can’t help myself. That feeling, I want it again.

Soma smirked. “That’s what I was hoping you’d say…”

He continued to lick up the rest of the sauce, making Nikumi mewl and squirm with every stroke. He paid particular attention to her erect nipples, his tongue flicking them playfully and putting a bit more pressure as he ran it over her aureoles.

“Hmmnnhhhh!!!” The helpless blonde wailed blissfully, wriggling her thighs as if to somehow hide her groin from view, which she now realized had begun whetting its appetite.

I can't believe how good this feels! MORE!!

But as she was engulfed in the torrent of pleasure, her eyes widened behind the dark towel covering them.

What am I thinking? He's treating me like a piece of meat, and I’m here sitting, bucking for MORE? Am I this weak willed? That I'd keel over for the first boy who can cook a good meal and turn me on… Admittedly, he’s doing both at the same time…

Ikumi tried her best to stifle her moans, to hide just how wild with desire Soma was driving her. But with each passing second she lost ground to her body’s demands for more.

Eventually the bound and gagged blonde became so aroused, so entranced by the smell of that sauce combined with the feel of having her breasts so gently fondled, the saliva pooling in her mouth began drooling past the rubber ring and down her already glistening breasts.

“Aaahhhmnn.” Ikumi moaned embarrassed as she felt drip after drip land on her magnificent rack.

But mercifully, at that point her captor finally pulled back.

"So, are you finally going to admit you enjoy this?" He asked, sounding rather smug after hearing his captive making so many lewd noises.

His shock was therefore quite great when he heard a loud and confident “HMN (NO)!!"

She’d barely howled the syllable, or Ikumi had regretted saying it.

“No?” The red haired man repeated stunned.

She must be bluffing.

“Can you really tell me you didn’t enjoy this one bit? The noise you made and your body language tell a different story.”

“Ai ow air (I don’t care)!” Ikumi growled, her pride still in the way. “Ai an ow (I want out)!” 

Tsk, why am I being so stubborn?  If I keep this up he might-

The red haired cook frowned. She must be bluffing. Let’s put it to the test…

He sighed heavily. "Haaaah. Such a shame. I thought for sure this was going great. But I guess I interpreted your signals wrong after all... Sorry Nikumi."


"I'll put the leftovers of my dish in the fridge and clean up my tools. Meanwhile you can take a moment to relax on your own." Soma said, feigning disappointed. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'll let you out as soon as I'm back and you can go back to your dorm."

"hmn?! Wh- wmn (What?! Wai- wait!)" The blonde stammered, but she was interrupted by the door closing with a soft 'thud'.

Did he really leave?

"Uh-gi-hi-haa (Yukihira)?" The young chef mouthed into her ring gag. 


He's really gone? Shit! I didn't mean to-… SHIT!

"HMRRNN!!" Ikumi screamed into her ring gag, furious with herself.

Great job Ikumi! Not did you just squander a chance to get close to Yukihira, you also drove him away before you could get off. AND YOU’RE STILL TIED UP!

The blonde started squirming in her chair, frustrated but horny as fuck at the same time. She made both the ropes and the chair creak under the impressive assault on her bindings, keeping up her struggles for minutes on end... But she couldn’t get out.

“hmm, hmmn, hmmmn.” She panted. This isn’t working. I’m not feeling any progress. And my body feels like it’s on fire!

Because to her shock, the blonde didn’t detect any signs of her body cooling down now that there was nobody to fondle her. If anything, her body seemed to be growing needier!

Is it that food he gave me? Don't tell me it's still having such an effect on my body?! They were just vegetables!

But nonetheless, Ikumi couldn’t deny the fact she felt her clit beginning to swell and her loins starting to burn hotter than ever.

Somewhere along the way, her frantic escape attempt even turned into a shameless grinding of her hips into the wooden seat.

Heck, if I’ve been abandoned I might as well make the best of it. Maybe a climax will finally satisfy this hunger…

Sadly, it didn’t matter how hard she tried, with her hands so far away from both her breasts and pussy she couldn’t deliver herself the finish she needed. 

Her entire body was trembling, her muscles screaming at her for some rest and her skin glowing from the desire burning beneath it.  

I can't… go on! I need…

“Oh-aa (Soma).” She whimpered, her impressive mental fortitude finally giving way to the carnal desires burning in her heart and pussy.

"Yes?" Came back from behind her.

Ikumi's heart skipped a beat.


He's still here?! He tricked me!

"Ooh ak-ashh! (You jackass!)" She growled, renewing her struggles on the chair. 

"Well I had to force you to confront your own feelings, otherwise you'd leave here without being honest with both yourself and me... And as a chef, I never send someone home unsatisfied.” The young man said, pressing his lips onto the blonde’s shoulder and nibbling it softly.

And while those words and that sensation was absolutely divine for Ikumi’s attention starved body, it wasn’t even close to what she needed.

"Eh oh-fur err! (Get over here!)" She moaned needily, still squirming as if trying to turn the chair around.

"Does that mean you're finally going to be honest with me?"

"Esh! I an oo! Ah-ee ow? Ow in-ish ah oo arr-hed ow-oke! (Yes! I want you! Happy now? Now finish what you started slowpoke!)"

“Sure, sure.” The redhead cook whispered in her ear as his hand slowly slid down that beautifully toned waistline, unzipping Ikumi’s hotpants and shimmying them down.

“Hhhhhh…” The bound and gagged girl gasped. “Ak (gag).” She pleaded.

Soma listened, and unbuckled the gag before hooking a finger behind her thong and pulling that out of the way as well to expose Ikumi’s dripping wet pussy, hungering for some love.

“P-please be gentle.” She mewled, thrusting her hips forward a little in anticipation.

“Of course. I’m a chef, finesse is what I’m best at.” Soma replied confidently as he kneeled down in front of his captive and dipped his tongue in her folds.

The young girl moaned appreciatively as Soma’s tongue slid past the walls of her pussy, and howled for more when it brushed up against her throbbing clit.

Within moments, she teetered on the brink of orgasm. But she clung on.

Not yet! I can’t give in so quickly! I have to show Soma I’m stronger than this! Hold it in! Hold it-

“Ah! Aaahh! IAAAAA!!!” Ikumi shrieked as her floodgates finally opened after a mere 20 seconds, releasing a torrent of love juice for Soma to slurp up.

But he polished it off with ease, delving his tongue even deeper to lap at her most sensitive flesh and prolong her orgasm so much the blonde feared she was going to pass out.

“Stoooop!” She mewled at her red haired lover, squirming on her chair as each new brush of his tongue inside her pussy sent a jolt down her spine.

Immediately, Soma pulled back, wiping his mouth and grinning at his blonde captive.

Seems like I have another satisfied customer… He realized as he got up from his knees.

"So, how did you find all of this?" Soma asked as he gently removed the blindfold.

But to his surprise, the blonde had a few small tears pearling in the corner of her eye.


"Nikumi!” He said startled. “Are you okay? Don't tell me I went too far after all?!"

But the blonde shook her head. "No no. This is pure relief." she said, still a little faint of breath. "You really put me through my paces… jackass." She added, grinning nonetheless.

"Glad you enjoyed it." The red haired chef smirked.

"So how about getting these ropes off me now?"

"Sure, in a minute."

"What do you mean, ‘in a minute’?!" The blonde said, her bright green eyes glaring at the red haired chef.

"I have to clean up first.  The food needs to be put in the fridge since it’s already cooled off. I have to take my cooking pots to the kitchen, not to mention my knives have to be cleaned."

"Don't bullshit me!” Ikumi growled. “You can do that later! I want out, now!"

"And that's exactly why I'm not letting you out yet."


"You're a master knife user. I'm not letting you out when you're still so riled up!"

"Yu-ki-hi-raaa!" The young girl cried, shaking in her bonds so fiercely the entire chair shook about. 

But her body was so exhausted, she couldn’t keep it up for long.

"Hah, hah, haaaah…" Ikumi panted, finally giving up her umpteenth futile escape attempt. She glared at the young cook before her. "Untie me from this damned chair!"

But the red haired young man just chuckled, only infuriating the tied up bombshell further. "If you still have this much energy left, maybe I should cook up another dish…"


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