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Cornelia vi Britannia was sitting in her personal chambers of the capital located in the capital of Britannia.

The purple haired woman had just gotten news of yet another successful guerrilla attack under the guidance of that masked man Zero in Area eleven, shaming the might and pride of Britannia's military strength.

"How dare that filthy eleven resist our rule." The purple haired woman snarled. "I should go and crush him personally, just to set a clear example for the rest of the area's."

The oldest princess of the royal family quickly sent a message to Guilford to scramble the troops, after which she began preparing a battle plan and dressing herself for battle.

After half an hour, the purple haired princess was ready to depart. But just as she wanted to leave her room, Schneizel walked in.

The first prince of the Britannia family addressed his younger sister in his usual calm manner:

"Cornelia, I have just heard from Guilford that you are planning a departure for Area 11. May I ask the purpose of this endeavour?"

"What do you think? It's time someone went over there to show the elevens how futile  resistance is in the end, even if you manage to win a few battles." The purple haired woman replied angrily.

"And you think you should be the one to do that?" The oldest prince asked his sister.

"Who else is more fit for the job?!" The princess replied hot heatedly. "We need to send a clear signal, and nothing works better than a member of the royal family personally heading out to crush the opposition."

"It might also come across as a sign of fear for what in the end is nothing more than a single man in a mask. But even more important is the public image: Even though Area 11 ended up under our control with most of its military strength left intact, going in and oppressing the entire Area with overwhelming force just because of a few rebels will look bad to the rest of the world. And we do not need more enemies right now, Cornelia."

"I understand your point, Schneizel." The purple haired woman replied. "But we can't let Area 11 be as it is right now. Besides, my troops and I haven't been out of the country for a long time already, we cannot allow ourselves to become rusty. "

"So you want to use Zero and his guerrilla tactics as an excuse to stretch your legs?" The tall prince said calmly. "That is not how a princess of the Britannia line ought to behave."

Cornelia was now beginning to lose her patience. Schneizel has always been a difficult one to deal with. The princess thought to herself. His tactical prowess exceeds even my own, and his coldblooded nature makes it difficult to understand what he’s really after… It’s exactly the same right now, why is he stopping me from taking action when it’s for the good of Britannia?!

“Brother Schneizel,” The purple haired woman began, “I have always expected your opinions considering warfare and politics. But that does not mean I feel obliged to ask for your permission just to go out and crush a few rebels. I’m heading for Area Eleven and that’s final. Now get out of my way please.” 

The tall blond man didn’t show any sign of moving. Instead he said: “ You don't need my permission, that's right.”

“Then why are you not moving aside?” The purple haired woman interrupted impatiently.

“Because I had hoped that you would listen to my advice nonetheless. However, since that doesn't seem to be the case, I'll try another approach.”

The purple haired woman raised an eyebrow. “Not that I expect it to have any effect, but what is this different approach of yours?”  Cornelia asked curiously.

“I guess approach is not the right word.” Her brother replied. “It’s more of an offer, really: I will allow you to pick a challenge for the two of us to compete in. Any challenge whatsoever. If you manage to defeat me, I will grant you a portion of my troops to accompany you as well. That should give you more than enough manpower to perfectly defeat any and all opposition left in Area 11. After all, if you truly are heading out to fight those rebels, you might as well do it thoroughly.”

“Given that you will grant me such an enormous boon, I take it the consequences for my defeat are equally heavy?” The oldest princes responded.

Schneizel nodded. “That they are. For if I am victorious, then I will have you obey a single command.” The tall prince said to his sister.

One command, huh? Cornelia thought to herself. No doubt he’ll order me to stay in Britannia, probably until he decides it is time to act, which could take god knows how long. Even worse would be if he phrases his command so that it almost makes me a subordinate... No, brother Schneizel would never go that far. I'm certain the order will serve as a form of house arrest until Schneizel decides he has a use for me.

The purple haired woman then smirked. But that’s only if he wins. Luckily I know exactly what to challenge my stubborn older brother to in order for my victory to be assured. His mind may be far beyond mine, when it comes to physical prowess I am the stronger one.

“I will accept the challenge you offered me, brother Schneizel.” Cornelia answered confidently. “Are you ready to start right now?”

“Of course.” The oldest prince replied with a calm smile. “You are in a hurry after all, it would be bad manners to keep you waiting after offering this challenge up myself.”

“We will face off in a swordfight, Schneizel.” The purple haired woman said as she pulled two dull-point rapiers out of a large display case. “The first one to make point contact with his sword against the opponent’s body wins the duel.”

“So we will face of in one of your strengths?” The oldest brother replied. “Looks like you have no intention of treating this as a friendly match then.”

“Of course not,” the purple haired princess replied, “I take the future of Britannia just as serious as you do, and I won’t hesitate to give it my all to secure it. Even against you, brother.”

“Very well. I did offer you to pick the challenge after all.” Schneizel replied. “It would be silly of me to expect you not to take full advantage of that.”

Cornelia already had her stance by now. “Prepare yourself, brother Schneizel.”

Schneizel responded by taking his stance as well. The moment he did, Cornelia charged him with incredible speed (made all the more effective given they were in an enclosed room). The tall blonde man responded to his sister’s attack by backstepping, after which Cornelia charged the her brother once again, this time accompanied by a lunge for Schneizel’s torso.

The oldest prince parried his younger sister’s lunge and stepped back again.

“This is far too defensive brother Schneizel,  Even for you who are not at all used to swordplay. You cannot defeat me by keeping a distance and waiting for an opening!” Cornelia jested, in an effort to rattle her brother so he would make a mistake.

But the blond man didn’t respond to Cornelia’s taunt, calmly taking his defensive looking stance again.

The purple haired woman lunged at her brother once more, but Schneizel just stepped back to dodge it again. The tall prince next took a step to the side, once again retaking his stance after that.

As Cornelia set up her stance as well, she spotted her brother had made a fatal mistake in all of his retreating: The place where her brother was standing right now meant he would only be able to step back one more time, and doing so would make him bump against the wall as well, which would surely make him lose his composure.

That’ll be my chance. The purple haired woman analysed. When I charge him,  he will step back again and hit the wall. Then, before he has the time to recover his stance or side step me, I will lunge forward and strike the winning blow.

Confident she had pushed her passive and rather inexperienced close-combat brother into a corner, Cornelia jumped forward to seize victory.

But with all her concentration in laying out her trap, the purple haired princess never noticed Schneizel's: Between him and her was a large rug stretching from one end of the room to the other.

The second Cornelia set foot on the rug, the difference in footing and structure of the underground made her miss her timing, causing her to briefly lose her balance as well. This split second was all that the oldest prince needed, and he took full advantage of it by pointing his (covered) sword tip against his younger sister's chest.

The moment Cornelia felt what was happening underneath her foot when she stepped on the rug, she instinctively realized she had been the one who fell into a trap, but by then she no longer had the time to react. The reality of her defeat didn't sink in until Schneizel’s sword tip was pressing into her clothing, less than a second after she had set foot onto the carpet.

He got me. The purple haired princess thought frustratedly. As always brother Schneizel was one step ahead of his opponent. I should’ve known he wouldn’t let me pick the challenge without a counter plan in place...

But hindsight reasoning wasn’t going to get her out of this mess. Cornelia had lost, and now she had to face the consequences.

"This match is mine, Cornelia." Schneizel said in his trademark calm demeanour.

I cannot believe I was lulled into defeat in such an obvious way. The purple haired princess thought once again, frustrated but already recovering from her defeat. As much as she hated it, losing to Schneizel was nothing to be ashamed of, since he rarely lost at anything at all.

Cornelia took a deep breath before addressing her brother: “I acknowledge your strategy was better than mine, brother Schneizel. A challenge is a challenge, I will obey your command.”

“I’m afraid you did not fully understand me before, Cornelia.” The tall prince said, causing Cornelia to look at him confusedly. “I said you were supposed to obey one command if you lost... I never said it would be my command.

“Whose command am I supposed to obey then?” The purple haired woman asked, angry Schneizel was leading her around like this.”

“He’ll enter shortly.” Was all the oldest prince said. And no sooner had he finished that sentence or the door to Cornelia’s chambers started to open.

In walked none other than Gilbert G.P. Guilford, Cornelia’s most faithful and devoted knight of all. Seeing him shocked the purple haired princess slightly, to think he of all people would follow Schneizel in his ridiculous plot...

“Guilford!??” The purple haired woman said in disbelief. “What are you doing here? Don’t tell me you are the one to do Schneizel’s bidding?”

The tall dark haired man simply bowed his head before responding: “I'm sorry mistress Cornelia, but I could not refuse this opportunity sir Schneizel offered me. I pray with my entire heart that you will find the strength to forgive me in the future. And you must know that I am prepared to accept the full consequences of my actions.”

Hearing her knight say that worried Cornelia. “What actions?” she asked. “What exactly are you going to ask of me?”

"Not ask, Cornelia," Schneizel interrupted, "order. You cannot refuse what he is about to tell you to do.”

Hearing her brother rub that in like that annoyed Cornelia to no end, she glared at Schneizel as he continued: “Do not worry too much though, he is still your loyal knight and will not do anything to hurt or embarrass you. After all, his feelings burn far too strongly for that... You must know that better than anyone else, right?”

“Of course I know!” Cornelia snapped. “Guilford would never betray me, which is making this whole situation all the more weird to me....”

The princess then sighed before adding: "But I gave my word, and I will stand by it." She then turned toward Guilford, who now looked up again and straight into his Lady’s eyes. 

"What is my order?" Cornelia asked firmly, trying to mask the many doubts and uncertainties going through her right now.

The dark haired knight swallowed and began gathering to his courage. Finally, he said: “Lie on the bed with your hands behind your back.”

“What for?” The purple haired princess asked surprise, as she hadn’t seen that one coming at all.

"Cornelia." Schneizel said strictly.

Another sigh from the purple haired princess "Alright, alright." After which Cornelia laid herself down on the bed and put her arms together behind her back, slightly nervous at the strangeness of the situation (nervousness which annoyed her immensely).

As Cornelia laid down on the bed, she suddenly felt weight pressing down on her butt and back, as well as some force brutally pushing her arms together. When she turned her head to the side to find out what was happening, she saw it was Guilford who was sitting onto her back.

"What?! Guilford, what is the-"

But her breathing was cut off by tightness of ropes now completely cinching her wrists together. Cornelia could already feel her hands being constrained by the ropes wrapped around her wrists, and when she tried slipping out of them again she discovered there was no slack whatsoever. 

But far worse was that Guilford didn’t seem to show any sign of slowing down with his work. By the time Cornelia had given her wrist bindings a first test, the dark haired knight already had a new length of rope in his hands, wrapping that around and in between the purple haired woman's elbows so they were only about 6 inches (15cm) apart from each other, tightly pinned in place just like her wrists were.

“Guildford! What in the world do you think you’re doing to me!” The purple haired woman yelled upset.

“Please forgive me, Lady Cornelia. But you must realize that I am doing this for your own good." The bespectacled knight replied. "The reason I decided to join in on Schneizel's plan was because I agreed with him on the matter that you going out after Zero was too risky. That man is no ordinary rebel, I am certain he is purposely drawing attention toward his Area so he can lure in someone of importance."

“So you think I would be walking into a trap, that I would end up a hostage against my own country and family! I can’t believe you have the nerve to think so lowly of me!” The purple haired woman yelled, furious with both her brother and her knight for even daring to suggest these things.

“Once again, my Lady: I am truly sorry, but I felt it was my duty to stop you, even if it meant going against your wishes.” Guilford responded firmly. “And when Lord Schneizel approached me with his suggestion, I knew it was the best move to make.”

Granted, the real reason I am here was because the task lord Schneizel offered me was impossible to resist. The dark haired knight thought to himself. All I had to do was devise a way to keep Lady Cornelia from leaving her room, and Schneizel world make that way a reality! To think I would be so lucky!!

Guilford hadn’t ceased his rope tying during his explanation, and now it wasn’t just Cornelia’s arms which were stuck: Her ankles had been crossed and tied together, and her knees had been tightly bound as well.

But the worst was yet to come, though Cornelia was not aware of this until she saw her knight unravel yet another rope, the longest one so far.

Without even warning her, the dark haired man rolled his princess onto her back and pulled her up by the elbow ropes so she was sitting upright again.

“How dare you!” Cornelia yelled vexed, but at the same time shocked Guilford would treat her in this manner, even if she was by now helpless to resist him. Something about her knight’s demeanour was different from usual, but she couldn’t discern what.

Without replying to Cornelia’s cry of outrage, Guilford began wrapping the rope around his princess’ upper body. He first brought the rope round above her well endowed chest and then below, cinching the ropes together at the back in order to tightly trap the purple haired princess’ large breasts in between the ropes, squeezing them slightly and making them stand out more, despite the dark red fullbody outfit she was wearing. The dark haired knight also made sure to ensnare Cornelia’s bound arms in the chest harness as well, so as to keep her arms pinned down even more.

“Ouch!” Cornelia grunted as Guilford pulled the ropes so tight that it was pushing some air out of her lungs, not to mention it tightened the chest ropes so much their pressure was starting to make the sword wielding princess more aware of her breasts... a strange and unknown feeling for the purple haired woman.

Ever since she was younger, Cornelia had always been focused on training herself for combat, she therefore never paid much attention to her womanhood since it would only hold her back. But these ropes were forcing her to become more aware of her own body, and it was confusing her greatly (not that she would ever show this to either Schneizel or Guilford).

Even though Cornelia had clearly had enough of Guilford’s antics, the tall knight still showed no sign of halting his mutinous activities. He uncoiled one last rope, and finally addressed his princess before putting it to use:

“I am sure you have figured out the entire situation by yourself now, Lady Cornelia,“ Guilford said after the purple haired woman had tired herself out, “but I will tell you nonetheless: The condition set by lord Schneizel for this opportunity would be that I make sure you are unable to follow after Zero. He did not specify the means I had to use, I was free to choose those for myself.”

“So you decided to bind me in my own chambers?!" The purple haired woman replied furiously. "Rather than ask me to reconsider, you just went along with Schneizel’s plan to humiliate me. I can’t believe you call yourself a knight!”

“As I said before,” Guilford said, undaunted by the purple haired princess’ spiteful words, “I will accept any and all punishment you decide on, after you have come to your senses. Lady Cornelia, you know full well that no one can change your mind once it is made up, at least not without the use of force. This therefore, was the ‘more gentle’ alternative.”

“You call this gentle?!” The princess replied mockingly. “I can barely move, and the ropes are digging into me with every twitch of my body. Your duty as a knight should be to support and protect me, not to hurt me.”

“If I might cut in again.” Schneizel interrupted his sister’s insults, ”Guilford is protecting you, Cornelia. He’s protecting you from yourself, from your own thirst for battle.” 

Cornelia was about to sent a rude reply towards her older brother when the air was once again pushed out of her lungs by Guilford rolling her onto her stomach. Before the purple haired woman could protest however, Guildord had moved on to pulling her ankles down so they were resting on her butt.

The tall darkhaired knight then looped his newest rope around Cornelia’s bound ankles, and tied the other end to the purple haired woman’s wrist bindings for a very strict and effective hogtie. Apart from rolling around and some fluttering of her fingers, Cornelia was now basically immobile. Even attempting to wriggle around would create pressure either on the hogtie joining her hands and feet, or on the chest harness which was constricting her well formed bosom. 

Even though Cornelia was by now completely helpless, Guilford still didn’t seem satisfied, since he picked up yet another rope.

What else is there for him to do? The purple haired princess thought to herself as she saw her knight uncoil said rope. I already have no freedom left in any of my limbs!

The sword wielding princess’ unvoiced question was soon answered when Guilford tied the rope in his hand to the back of Cornelia’s chest harness. The dark haired man then pulled the other end of that rope to the end of the bed and tied it off there, tethering her in place. This manoeuvre of Guilford was more for Cornelia’s safety than for real restraint, the loyal knight wanted to prevent his princess wriggling off of the bed and falling to the ground. Of course, this precaution also meant the purple haired woman stood no chance of shuffling her way to some knives or scissors, thereby slimming her chances of escape even more.

Finally finished with his restraining, Guilford took a step back and disappeared from Cornelia’s view. The purple haired princess took advantage of her treacherous knight no longer wrapping her in rope left right and center to give her bindings a thorough testing.

After about a minute of twisting and turning, pulling on her bindings, she came to the conclusion she had feared all along: it’s useless to resist these ropes. The purple haired woman thought frustratedly. Well, Guilford is a highly trained military man after all. And I know like no other how rigorous the Britannian training regimen is.

While Cornelia had been busy going over all of her tight bindings, Guilford had moved around the bed and was now standing in front of Cornelia’s face. The purple haired princess glared up at the tall dark haired man and saw he was holding something in his hand that looked like a small ball with straps attached to it.

“I have apologised several times already, but I feel I need to do so once more for this last disrespectful action of mine.” The bespectacled knight said with his head bowed down.

“What is that supposed to- MMPPFFF!” Cornelia’s inquiry was cut short by Guilford forcing the black rubber ball into her mouth, pulling the straps round her head and buckling them tightly shut at the back  of her head.

“Uifor, E erf ov u! (Guilford, the nerve of you!)” The purple haired woman shouted, but to her surprise (or should we say despair), barely any sound made its way past the black ball shoved between her lips, certainly not enough to be heard outside of her chambers. Thus yet another of the purple haired princess’ possible escape routes had been cut off.

With nothing left for her to do other than wriggle around and mumble through her gag, Cornelia did just that as the helplessness or her situation began to sink in.

However despite realizing how helpless she was, Cornelia’s will to fight had not yet left her. On the contrary, she began bucking up and down on her bed wilder than before, screeching through her gag.

“You must try to remain calm, my princess!” Guilford said in a panicked tone of voice. The dark haired man had anticipated his Lady would not go down without a fight, but a struggle this furious worried him that she would injure herself.

But Cornelia was not willing to listen to her loyal knight (understandable, given what he had just done to her) and kept fighting her bindings as vigorously as she could, straining herself as much as she could bear even though she could feel the ropes digging in everywhere (especially around her sizeable chest).

The situation was halted from escalating even further by Schneizel interrupting the scene:  "Guilford, could you give me and my sister a brief moment alone?"

Hearing her brother cut in briefly halted the purple haired woman’s escape attempt, and she turned her head so she could look at the tall blonde crownprince.

“Of course my Lord.” Was Guilford’s immediate response. “I have already received my reward, I have no longer any reason to stay.”

Though that was not strictly true, since Guilford could think of a wide range of things still to do with Cornelia completely helpless.... But Guilford remained a knight in heart and soul. The bespectacled knightmare pilot genuinely feared not being able to contain himself should he and the now completely defenceless Cornelia be left alone in the room.

And so Guilford left his Lady’s chambers, closing the door behind him and leaving the two siblings alone.

As soon as the door was closed again, Schneizel walked up to his sister and took out the gag.

"This is a low trick, Schneizel!” Were the first words that went past Cornelia’s lips (which already had a few drops of drool glistening on them). “I can't believe you would resort to manipulating my subordinates in order to get what you want."

"That is not what happened here, Cornelia." the tall blond man responded calmly. "This is meant to educate you in the implications of acting selfishly despite your responsibilities. "

“You mean, punish me for disobeying, right?” The purple haired woman instantly replied, glaring at her obnoxiously calm older brother.

"That is not my main intention, Cornelia.” Schneizel answered coolly. “I want you to learn that combat should be the last resort in solving a conflict, not the first. When you resort to violence as your first method of diplomacy, your adversaries will do the same. That will only serve to drain your recourses quicker, and when your enemy is the rest of the world like it is with us, recourses are vital.”

“...Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have matters to attend to,” the blonde man continued, “and because I had to come over in order to deal with you and your impetuous plans to sortie, I am running late for those matters. Goodbye Cornelia, I hope you’ll use your time here to reflect upon my words."

"Stay here? For how long exactly? Are you planning on leaving me here like this?!" The princess asked in a worried tone.

“Do not worry, my sister.” The tall prince replied. “I will instruct Guilford to stand guard outside your chambers so no harm can befall you. And Euphemia should be coming back from her travels by tomorrow night. Given how close your bond with her is, she will come to visit your chambers right after she returns, and of course untie you immediately.”

“Tomorrow night?! I can't stay like this until tomorrow night!” The purple haired woman protested angrily.

However it wasn't the time she would have to spend in this predicament that disturbed the oldest princess so much. What she truly didn't like was the prospect of being foud like this by her sweet younger sister! The proud swordswoman couldn’t bear the thought of Euphie finding her in such a compromising position! She'd never be able to look her in the eye again...

But Schneizel was impassive to his sister’s plea. “You'll have no choice. I just told you that I need to leave this instant, and I ordered Guilford not to enter or let anyone else enter whatever the circumstances. You’ll stay here until Euphemia comes to save you, and I hope that time will be sufficient for you to fully understand what I just explained.”

After finishing his lecture, Schneizel then shoved the gag back in place and buckled up again in order to definitively shut down the discussion between him and his sister. The blonde prince then walked out the door without so much as another glance at his younger sister, leaving Cornelia all alone with her feelings of rage, frustration and embarrassment.

Since the purple haired woman no longer had anyone around to yell at, she began wriggling around in her bindings instead, despite knowing full well how fruitless her efforts would be.

What the bound and gagged princess hadn’t counted on however, was the consequences her wriggling brought.

What is up with this ball Guilford put in my mouth?”The purple haired damsel thought to herself. In addition to it muffling my every word, it's also making me salivate uncontrollably. it hasn't been all that long but my face is already feeling a bit sticky, truly unpleasant!

Cornelia tried pushing the ball out of her mouth with her tongue, but the straps behind her head were buckled to tight, and the gag remained firmly in place.

“MMPPRRFFF!!” The purple haired woman grunted annoyed, resuming her wild thrashes on top of the bed in order to try and escape again.

But just like all other attempts, the ropes held fast and the beautiful princess remained pinned down on top of her bed. None of the knots felt like they were in reach, and despite exerting all of her strength to try and loosen the ropes, they hadn’t budged at all. 

But the worst of all were the ropes Guilford had wrapped around her chest: That fiendish chest harness kept tightening up every time the purple haired woman tried fully exerting herself, rubbing her and making her body feel strangely hot.

I don’t get what’s going on. The oldest Britannian princess thought unnerved. I should be angry about this whole situation, or even be feeling pain, but for some weird reason all of these ropes feel sort of... sort of good.

In fact the entire situation of being completely unable to resist made the usually in control princess strangely euphoric, a truly confusing feeling she couldn’t understand at all.

Could it be that, in addition to these rubbing ropes feeling quite pleasurable, I’m actually relaxing by not having full control for once in my life?? Cornelia thought, still confused about how her body was reacting to her predicament.

Those toughts that came drifting into her mind honestly shocked Cornelia, and the purple haired princess quickly snapped herself out of her day-dreaming:

“At m I ink-in!!! I a em-er o e oy ami-y, I iv oo onke!! (WHAT AM I THINKING!!! I'M A MEMBER OF THE ROYAL FAMILY, I LIVE TO CONQUER!!)” Cornelia shouted as loud as her chest harness and gag allowed her, after which she once again began struggling wildly.

But this escape attempt was as hopeless as all the others, and the purple haired princess had to stop her efforts after she’d tired herself out. In the end, all Cornelia had managed to do was arouse herself to such a degree her nipples were starting to poke through her clothes. Realizing this flustered and confused the purple haired princess even further, so badly in fact she could feel her cheeks reddening.

Since she couldn’t make sense of her body at all anymore, the proud Britannian princess decided resting would be the best decision right now, and she began looking for a position in which she could catch her breath and endure the tight feeling of the ropes constricting her body.

After finding such a position, the fierce and proud Cornelia then began doing something that she never expected she would do in her entire life: She began praying. Praying for a swift return of her younger sister.
Despite still not feeling all too happy about Euphemia discovering her like this, the purple haired woman had already had more than enough of her precarious situation, and had begun hoping fervently that her younger sister’s journey home would be one without delay. 


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