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OP (1060), HP (5), Muscles Potter (4), 3rd Petrified (4), HD (5), Boji's Treasure (3), PRIMAL 2 (1).


Anime Tonight Patreon 4/29/2023 - UPDATED



wipe the shit off your balls and get to the other anime you promised to bing like ultimate survivor


Wait. When did you start watching demon slayer season 3?


Did he arleady watch the OP episode?

Toshin D. Raizen

Bro why hate on Zoro so hard. like damn I like you but it makes it hard to watch when you hate for no reason


do you guys have problems with the VOD too? like its laggy, i dont if it is the servers or my internet


Give it some time. I checked it on my end at 1080p and it looks fine, it might still be processing in some way.

Tony Diamond

Zoro, Boji, and The Cave Wonder all in one stream. YES SIR!


hopefully my home hero ep1 next stream 🙏


I come here every week to see you bitch and moan, it's pretty funny


pog new vod, imma grab some popcorn and binge watch this shit. Also. WHY IS KOL WATCHING THIS GAME TRAILERS, THIS GUY WILL NEVER FINISH SEKIRO, I think we still have a chance whenever One Piece is finally over in god knows when then he can expand into doing other content, but jeez literally 90% of his content is primarily One Piece this days, I remember back when Toriko, Magi, Berserk and other GOAT shows on his main channel and even some DS3 playthroughs on his twitch(good days) were still around at least we had diversity, but this days its just season of mid after mid, like Chainsaw Man was mid very cringe and badly animated everyone sucking on makimas left tit and AoT last season CGI was MID, Boku No Pico Academia was Mid(like always, except for maybe S1 all trash), all this animation studios taking massive L's. Oh Yeah, btw he is never gonna finish sekiro and start Elden Ring like you nerds been lied to xD PS. if you like Oshi No Ko, you're straight up Pedo, I'm sorry to tell you, this is not me saying this but this is just facts, look in the mirror and you will see a clown if you gonna defend this pedo bait loli shit, idolizing lolis and putting them in pedostal(pun intended). FOH


Dude stop backseating a fucking livestream whats going on in your slow head. You are legit retarded as fuck for even typing this shit.



Vinay Sing

Take your meds and shut up please man wrote an essay for a reaction


How about you rival deez nuts in your mouth, go back to your discords nerd xD

skyler peters

Quite a collection of L takes amassed here, premium quality cesspit of a post


yeah I agree Skyler, so many L takes from kids above



Night Power

Watched: Hell Paradise


waiting for haikyuu season 4

Daniel Tuitt

It's funny I have been asking for Primal for 6 months now and KOL starts watching it on my birthday