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I got a new PC and I'm going to run tests to make sure everything is running fine and nothing is broken. I plan on overhauling my entire set up over the next few weeks and this new PC is the first step. There's a good chance I stream on the old set up tomorrow, so Thursday Anime Tonight, and Saturday.

When it's all said and done Dio will finally be dead. 





That awkward moment when Dio still lurks with new PC lmao😂🤣😂


take your time kinguu need to the expose dio to the sun lol

bvxd 5383

kol you better not be lying about the pc


Why would he? He’s been giving us details over the last couple of weeks and even showed us a specs list. It would be a waste of time and not even a good troll if he was lying lol smh

Angel Zane

Nice! You really do deserve a Dio-free stream, my guy! 🙏🏼 Congrats on the upgrade.


Nice! What are the PC specs?


All good man, hopefully you get all the issues sorted out with the new setup.


We better get 4k streaming. :)


Fist of The North Star watchthru after GTO pls!!!!


I wasted my whole day watching tokyo revengers. Fuck that trash and fuck everyone hyping it up.

Jeremy Eusebio

Don't count Dio out just yet. He did eventually come back or at least his legacy.


hey retard u should of read the manga and its thousands times better and somehow made more sense in that form. i didnt like the anime either except for the songs. now stfu


i already knew he would make an excuse like it turns out setting up this pc is too hard so i will not do a stream today either. but il never miss a twitch stream so il see you then somehow


Rip Dio


So no stream today?


imagine not knowing who your patroned to. ofc he wasnt going to show up


I wonder if he will stream tomorrow or do a double up stream next Wednesday


goes KOL watch attack on titan?


He hasn’t been into it for years but due to a certain “feminine charm” he may reconsider.


kols gona take weeks to build a pc his brains 2 small and hes always late in general. he coudnt even build his own pc. what kind of man doesnt know how to build his own pc? i built a 2k pc for the first time on my own with the help of few youtube videos. all in one day in like 2 or 3 hours. hes probably taking his 4th nap right now with leftover honey dripping from his lips

Joe Co

Look at the smart guy over here. Built his own PC. Only needed a few Youtube videos, like any smart guy. Did it all in 2 or 3 hours, and all those hours were in the same day. After which he fantasized about KoL's lips smothered...dripping in honey.....wait.....wut?


it doesnt take a genius to see the comparisons between kol and a black bear minus the strength and intellegence of black bears i mean. also the point was building a pc is easy i didnt need to be smart to build one just get off my lazy ass and do the smallest amount of research. AHEAD OF TIME LIKE FOR REAL HES GOT A BROTHER who lives with him and he still hasnt gotten his pc built yet like seriusly how many freinds does kol have

Joe Co

You seem weirdly fixated on his color/race. Add that to the honey-lips and the scat porn. Idk what you're criticizing other people for my dude. You got some of your own issues to work out.

Professor X

Kol should check out a dubbed episode of ousama ranking


I am once again here to promote adding Legend of Vox Machina to the watchlist. Check out the trailer KoL


@joe co kol is a black winnie the poo its my fault for expecting kols loyalist to understand the refferences and parralels i made. your child like mind wanders off to some sketchy yiff fantacys maybe u should get checked out.


Well I’m definitely not gonna take advice about maturity by someone named “molestman” seriously.


hes not even going to bother saying thers no stream today either thats just the type of no show person he is. leave you hanging guessing when he damn well knows he could of given a heads up

Risrka (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-18 13:36:36 is there no stream today also?
2022-02-18 13:36:36 is there no stream today also?
2022-01-30 02:59:45 is there no stream today also?

is there no stream today also?


well its 10:05 you were saying lol you thought he would come in clutch? bruh no joke the guy is a manlet he cant build his own pc i bet he spent days gave up and is waiting for the pc to be built for him and sent to his home. kol isnt capable of planning ahead hes a adult baby. he cant keep to a schedule, he lives at home still, and he still stays up to the late hours of night to start his 2 day a week 4 to 5 hour "job"

Joe Co

Defending someone from a racist asshole doesn't make me a loyalist. Your "refferences and parralels" don't make any fucking sense. And you're a gross weirdo no one likes.


Was there a stream on Saturday?


yup im a proud racist who supports a black bear while at the same time oppressing it with my assumed white privileage. im keeping kol from making his patreon,twitch,youtube money with my white powers. kol will stay a bottom feeder as long as i the proud american racist comments about his appearance

Joe Co

I like how you both admitted to being a racist and didn't deny you were a gross weirdo. Self-awareness is at least one redeeming quality.


i keep forgetting 12 year olds and libtardians cant comprehend what sarcasm is much like people on the spectrum. proud racist out