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The stream we usually have on Wednesday nights I'm gonna do tomorrow, Thursday night. Handling some IRL things and been taking a short break from streaming and uploading given the Holidays.  



hope you had a good holiday kingu


thanks for the info, looking forward a lot to the next time you watch GTO. wish you all the best and less stress


Hope you been enjoying your break Kol


Take your time, and also a lot of animes got break so not a lot you can watch just few of them👌🏻.

Joe Co

Where's Molestman with his badly misspelled bitching about other people having lives? Thread feels almost empty without it.


No it doesn’t, if you want him to comeback with his usual comments then you’re as bad as him smh

Joe Co

Sorry, being sarcastic. Should have said so. Do not want that.


i didnt say anything because he does this all the time holiday or not its consistent nearly every week what more could i say i would be repeating the same thing over and over. if he has a life he should quit streaming honestly hes not built for this.

Joe Co

"i didnt say anything because he does this all the time holiday or not its consistent nearly every week what more could i say i would be repeating the same thing over and over." That was somehow one sentence. You're being more careful about your spelling though, I'm gonna take credit for that.


give* credit not take credit all that hard work all went to waste when you fucked up at the finish line. 3/10

Joe Co

Nope, taking credit, because if it weren't for me pointing it out you'd still be writing like a 7 year old.


Bro do you love him or something like damn man


King you need to watch popeye vs one punch man death battle it’s actually incredible


Is nope a real word? "Nope" is informal. You wouldn't usually want to use it, for example, answering questions for a job interview, but it would be an appropriate answer to a friend's question "Have you seen that movie yet?" it seems you think of me as your friend thats nice


is it actually? i saw the thumbnail and laughed cause it seemed too one sided


Yeah, it's a season finale so they really went all in with the animation


Yo King, after we finish GTO can we please do a full watchthru of FOTNS!!!!

bvxd 5383

kol can we watch the death battle it is outstanding

Joe Co



in the comments "I was trying to see if the connotation was listed. For me, nope can come off as a curt response. I see Merriam Webster doesn't provide connotation. I was looking for this for a person who doesn't speak much english and started incorporating nope into every negative response. In this case MW's definition would continue to mislead that person who wrote, "nope problem". The definition needs further work to help in employing it's proper use."

Joe Co

You taking that random commenter as an authority? Got some youtube comments you wanna cite too? And informal speech is just fine when talking to assholes who insult people online for no reason. You aren't my boss and you don't deserve respect.

Daniel Moran

Is king still on break ?