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Ninja Kamui AS (5), Avatar the Last Airbender Live Action (6-8- FINISHED), Shogun (NEW-1).


Anime Tonight Patreon 3/11/2024 - UPDATED






canadian shnitzl

Oh you're gonna love shōgun, it's shot and written very well for so early in the show

Abd Boss

shogun after?

Doc Anime!

y'all folks In the chat were 6 eps in ATLA and still crying bout how stuff was changed in the live action. Stop being lil b***** and accept that it was never gonna be exactly like the original. Shit cost money, the Live action is also made 4 ppl who didn't watch the cartoon and they had 20 episodes to combine into an 8eps season. What they did with Azula and Ozai was fine, it was adding context to why she's the way she is. Plus Roku comes back in the next 2 seasons, so y y'all whining so much about his scene?

Doc Anime!

If you want to watch the OG Avatar then go watch it! This is was a way better than adaptation than most others and anyone who thinks the original creators left bc of the changes need to do there research and stop just talking shit. They were gonna fuck up the live action even worse. Netflix saved it.


Kol Slam Dunk Movie is out, hope you gonna react to it its really good


Dear god SkyKingZiz is such an attention whore. We get it little guy, the live adaptations are never as good as the originals. We all know that. You don't have to try to remind us every 5 minutes. Bro was literally hate watching cuz it gives him a boner to complain. Literally 70% of the chat in those 3 hours was just his dumbass spamming. The OP adaptation was better but this was still pretty good for live adaptation standards. Also all these clowns saw the headlines of the interview that was released before the show and got it in their head that this is gonna be some agenda filled show when it rly isn't lol. And the interview wasn't rly that bad either. If you actually look over it, those things that were used as headlines were mostly out of context and taken way to seriously.


Damn the last airbender started well but that shit ended up being ass... 5/10


The avatar comics are good. They have a lot going on.. The mother of faces played the role in Zuko’s mother’s disappearance In the finding Zuko’s mother ark, which should’ve been agitated to a movie or special. But there’s a lot that happens in the comics this is why Kyoshi gets so much gas because she’s probably the greatest avatar With the feats she has. And Azula’s character is 🔥. she’s basically a psychopath now but right now she’s actually going through a redemption ark From what I saw. Also, when the comics Kora Wrote a journal to the next avatar so he can get the avatar spirits back because remember she lost it in season 2. There’s a new series dropping in 2025 with the new Earth bending avatar



