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In the story I'm writing, which focuses on a perma-popping "inflation" hunt where competitors face balloon oblivion for huge cash prizes, there's going to be about six or so participants. Not including the hunters. Some will be background, some will only last for a paragraph or so, but I'd love to have some interactivity with my patrons so help me design them! 

I have our PoV character in mind, but I want your input for the rest.

They'll all be male, between the ages of 20-60.

From you, I want the following:
Note: I just want suggestions from this list, please don't submit them in the style of a bio, etc. Just comment with things like names you find attractive, or body types you like, etc.

  • Suggested Names.
  • Suggested Body Types/Features/Hair, Face Etc.
  • Personality Traits.
  • Possible reactions to being inflated.
    (The popping method induces euphoria before the boom, so the reaction is more for the initial inflation!)
  • Popping method. (Do they get overfilled, or does the environment do them in? Etc).


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