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“Marilyn? Is everything OK?” Heather asked. She stood at the door to Marilyn’s workshop, her six arms hidden under an oversized winter coat. Her brow furrowed with concern.

“I’m OK! Better than OK, in fact!” Marilyn yelled back, from the other side of the door. “Just try not to be too surprised!” she giggled. “Come on in!”

Laughter? Heather thought. Does this mean the ALS gene therapy worked?

Heather opened the door. “Did the therapy- !?!” Heather gasped.

Mecha Maid stood, unencumbered by her armor, in panties and a tank top. Her once waifish frame was wrapped in the taut muscle of an athlete. Her chest rose and fell, breathing under her own power. She smiled, from all three heads. The wolf tail and ears seemed almost like an afterthought.

“Oh my god, but how?!” Heather rushed to comfort her girlfriend, wrapping her in a six-armed hug. “You extracted just the healing factor from the Cerberus DNA, these… changes, should’ve been impossible!”

Marilyn hugged Heather back. She had grown in height, as well as muscle. She’d always been taller than her girlfriend, now she towered over her. On closer inspection, her purple-dyed hair was split evenly amongst her heads in streaks.

“It would seem there’s a magic layer to Cerberus DNA that’s beyond current science.” She whispered from her left head.

“The gain in mass alone violates traditional physics.” She whispered from her right.

“I’m a good fifty pounds heavier, hope I’m not too much woman for you!” She joked from her center head, with a wink.

Heather took a step back, and held Marilyn’s hands. She smiled.

“Of course not. I love you, no matter what. We’ll fix this-“

Marilyn retorted quickly, all three heads speaking over one another.

“Fix, what’s to fix? I’m cured-”

“-I went for a run, all on my own! No robot suit-“

“-hey, hey! Stop interrupting!”

Marilyn sighed, clasping her hands over her outer mouths. She spoke from only her center.

“I’m sorry, I’m still getting used to this. Just this morning, I was dying from ALS. I couldn’t breathe on my own, let alone walk. But now? I’m cured. I feel better than I’ve ever felt in my life.”

Marilyn hugged herself, and smiled gently.

“Besides, I’ve always wanted a sister.” Her left head quipped.

“Now I have two!” Her right said with a wink.

“I guess the only question is, how do you feel about having a half-cerberus girlfriend?”

Heather leaned in with a sly smile, her bottom left hand grabbing Marilyn’s firm buttocks.

“Well, I guess this means I’m going to be getting three times the kisses!”

Heather kissed Marilyn deeply, on each mouth in turn.

I could get used to this, Heather thought.


Johnny Charneca

Oh, this was so cute, even though it's non-canon. I truly hope that one fo these days you actually write someone curing Marilyn's ALS, so she and Heather can be truly happy forever. For now, please let us have a picture of Marilyn in her cerberus form, please! :D


Great story dude! It was a fun read! Really hope this gets a drawing or two! If it gets a comic I’d be so happy! I could definitely see this being a new spinnerette issue idea! XD oh! If you ever do get drawings drawn, i’d LOVE to see Mechamaid’s reaction when she wakes up with three heads! maybe she injects the cerberus DNA and then it doesn’t look like it takes affect but it happens the next morning with all three Marilyn heads shocked! XD


I was thinking of some follow up prose, Mecha Maid coming to grips after the initial euphoria wears off.