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Hey folks, I've had a few backers mention that they hadn't received their chibi charms.  If you're a $15+ backer, it should have arrived to you by now.

Please post here and let me know if you're missing any charms, and I'll get those shipped Priority Mail with tracking!



Connie Edogawa

the only one I'm currently missing is Super MILF


Is there a list for which one came out for each month? I know I'm missing Spinnerette and Mecha Maid.


I did get my charm, but I didn't get the Minerva you said you'd send to replace the one my fiancee lost.


Have not received April chibi, I am a fairly new patron though.

Nathan Smith

Have yet to receive the January charm up to now.


I have not gotten anything February up to now


Got it guys, we'll get these out this week.

Chris Miller

No, I still have not received any of the charms.


I haven't received recent charms (then again, as a UK resident would receive them a few days later than US residents due to international shipping) - but I moved house in February. I'm pretty sure I sent a message with my new address, but if you can double check... :)


After double checking it turns out I'm missing a few and I lost some others. I didn't get Green gable Sahira  Tiger Super MILF Buzz rickard And sadly I lost my Spinnerette and minerva during my move


I've never gotten any but have been a backer since sahira i think.