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More sketches by Pablo!  She's only ever been a cameo character,  but would you be interested in a NSFW chapter with her?




Why yes i would like to see Super MILF in a NSFW


I concur


Personally... No. But whatever.


This would be appreciated

Chris Miller

Not me, personally. While I'm definitely a fan of large breasts, she's so far overboard that I find her slightly grotesque. If other patrons are down, though, more power to you.

Chris Miller

Holy upper back problems, Batman!


She needs wider hips. And yes!


That's an emphatic yes from me. Been a big fan of her few appearances. Wish she would pop again for a more substantial storyline. I have always enjoyed mature and sexually agressive women.


Thanks for the feedback! I figured she wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, that's why I asked.


Yes. Yes oh good goddess yes!

Akashimo Hakubi

Better question why wouldn't we?


Not until she's been in the comic more. In my opinion, the pay off with the NSFW chapters is that we're invested in the characters as heroes and people, so seeing them NSFW is erotic. Seeing side characters naked is just cartoon porn!


I think it would be a worthwhile investment in time. Though I think a chapter featuring Sahira would be more exciting you see first. Also, wouldn't mind seeing one featuring Katt at some point.


*to see first. Sorry, autocorrect


Hard to say, I'll probably would just check it out because I'm a patron. It wouldn't be fair of me saying no if there are people who want to see a NSFW comic of her.


hell yeh. would love to see more of her :)


Oh god, yes. And then a statue


No doubt, the NSFW potential is limitless with super milf.


Of course, but I'd hate for it to not have much thought put into it. She seems like she has layers to her, even if one of those layers is being a bit of a bully (they were off duty, trying to fit in as much as they could, she didn't need to melt their ice cream). Then again, I might be in a minority of 1 for reading the word bubbles more than looking at the art.

Nathan Weber

Short answer. yes. But I'm actually more interested in the tension between her and the general who headed the C-K project that gave her her powers. Let's see more of that, please.


Although I think she would be a good fit for something like a NSFW comic, I'm going to have to agree with @Samuel Caddick on this one. I think she needs more backstory for us to actually care who she is and I'm not sure if her first major appearance would be best suited for a NSFW comic.


Yes. Of course there are quit a few questions that need to be answered. First, what will the NSWF comic be about? Will it be canon? Is she married( I can't remember, I know she has kids)? Is she loyal to her husband? Is she Bi? Does she consider sleeping with women cheating? Can she show Spinny and MM the way of lesbian lovemaking?

Cahn Siumartinez

Yes, I would very much like to see her in a NSFW issue. Like Spinny, I can't look away.


why not she be perfect for boobs hilarity


YES...I'd love to see a NSFW chapter with her.


Nah, I'm all for the stars Spiny and mecha maid

Mr Lit

MILF is absolute sex on legs. I'd love to see a turn-it-up-to-11 chapter


I'm still praying for a statue of her!


She deserves a nsfw chapter! Her origin was hot, I wished it was longer.

Ree Mcgee

Yes! Awesome! Statue too plz!