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Last page of the chapter!  This was a bit of an experiment for me,  I hope you guys enjoyed it!

That's also the last of the hentai pages I have.  I have a few misc. sexy sketches here and there, but there's going to be a hiatus in the hentai.  Feel free to drop your pledge to a lower tier, or drop it completly.

I'd like to get your feedback, would you be interested in more hentai comics, if they had a different artist?  Walter's pretty busy with his own webcomic these days, and won't be able to draw more in the near term.




I think the Hentai comics are excellent fun! I would vote for more, even with a different artist. Of course I won't be dropping my pledge - everything you do is awesome!


I vote for more as long as the artist is good.


Nice to see London came out of this un-harmed. These were great, would love to see more and with the same artist.


I would appreciate more, whichever artist.


Keep up great work. This was a nice piece, and I hope to see more.


I vastly prefer Walter's art to any other.


Also what's the name of Walter's webcomic, please?


This was a triumph. Please make a note here: HUGE SUCCESS

Mr Ru

I'd prefer Chochi for drawing them, even if we have to wait a while.


Aww, that's cute. We should all be so lucky to be nestled up to our loved ones so comfortably.


I wold be down for more


Thank you muchly for that side story. Ever consider a spin off comic of Minerva and the other underworld denizens prior to her showing up in the Spinerette story line?


I've thought of it, but 2 series at a time is my limit right now, with a day job.


now it time for some SpinneyXMM yuri action

Drew Cornog

This is adorable! I love their relationship!


Delightful. Sorry to be a grammar nazi, but I think "have" should be "having."


Hey, I found the entire nsfw comic uploaded to e-hentai.


As for wanting to see more like this... I'm not 100% sure it fits the mood of the comic, but on the other hand I do enjoy fine ladies, so I definitely don't mind. :)


hi, love the comic, but I see a typo in London's thought bubble.


This just makes Minerva feel bi-polar, and borderline abusive.