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And the poll winners, Lamia and Giantess!

One more poll coming soon for our third Sahira, this one will be open to all Patrons!

BTW, if you want any more options for the next transformation, list them in the comments!




Oh this is becoming glorious. Lamia and Giantess Sahira are going to be incredible looking.


Drider Sahira might be nice for the 3rd transformation


Well it was in 3rd place. I might get a fanart pic of a drider Sahira done sometime.


I hope at some point we'll have a transformation that involves having more arms and heads but with separate minds.^^


I hope the two heads/ four arms option Is there! She needs them to do both of herself! lol


as the old saying goes, it's not cheating if you have sex with yourself :P And as a suggestion maybe a Futa-anime style transformation would kick things into high gear.

Jason Moon

You CAN have too much of a good thing! That doesn't mean it's a BAD thing!


A drider Sahira would be awesome! Speaking of which, I hope we have another NSFW Evil Spinnerette issue soon!


Definitely! It’s in planning, it’s be before her and Bloodcrow’s breakup.


Thought Sahira had some quad-boob action going on for a minute, before I realized it’s just her top.


Chubby or fatty Sakira :P

Mark Williams

Ill miss big booba Sahira but I cant wait for more transformations.!


Don't those transformations stack? I thought that was part of the "problem" here...

Opus the Poet

Just to be different I would like to see how Sahira responds to becoming a small A cup instead of her usual bounty of boobiness.