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I think thongs were just a sneaky way for 90's artists to draw naked butts.

"There's cloth in the middle, honest!"



Ian MacLaren

Typo on Mecha Maid’s speech bubble in the second panel. “Skillsnwith”.


Tyops in panels 3 and 4... "rope skills<b>N</b>with me", and "hit <b>he</b> showers"...


Just heating up with these two. I'm very certain 90s Mecha Maid would rather enjoy being bound by Spinnerette's silk any given day. Those butt shots are wonderful. 😊


Can't wait for Spiny x Hostess 90s

Lex of Excel

Yeah, that's what happens when you want to market to teenage boys and the internet isn't widely used.

Jason Moon

You don't know that. Those showers could be called the "He Showers" because they're staffed/attended by Liefield guys(Ridiculously beefy with tiny-ass feet). ;)

Jason Moon

Butts, butts everywhere. And I'm sure that the flames from the cycles aren't symbolic in ANY way. ;)


I know this is 90's themed, but that explanation would already have been too contrieved even then... :P


"Get a room, you two" you can smell the jealousy


Is it sad that I want to run a touch down between Hostess's goal posts? 😁You could always say that cloth is at a premium in that reality so that's why there is so little of it. Heck everything is expensive in this reality so it would be a believable back story... lol