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And Super MILF's bust wins!  Coming very soon...




That arcing back pose is wonderful. Looking forward to the next new addition of Sahira.


Coming very soon - as soon as that vial on the headend drops, right? :)


Did I say "vial drop"? How silly of me, of course I meant "Traditional Hans Gruber Drop": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb4DQFnH3mg

Jason Moon

"Coming very soon". Yeah, I'll BET they are! ;)


Is there a superpower shielding against premature ejaculation?


Sounds awkward, sexy aF(!), but awkward.

Nevan Vehkalh

Awww man, gigantic tits are boring though


Destroying Sahira's lower body is worse. It's fine for Guinness because it IS her lower body. And before you say anything, we have precedent for someone destroying a sexy lower body in the comic and replacing it with something anti-sexy (regardless of what Bloodcrow thinks). And, at least in this case, Buzz's dick won't be stuck or sheared off by Sahira's vagina disappearing, and she's got a body that's actually more to scale for said tits.


So long as she ends up kissing herself, or her soon-to-be bonus addition…that’s just fine!


She's so hot. I just imagine Buzz doing her while he can enjoy her triple moanings. I love how the first pannel implies that each head reacts differently to the situation, it's lovely.^^


You can rest assured I would not shear off Buzz's cock.... maybe the snake can come back in the sequel!


Just like Minerva, it's three aspects of her personalities split, but she's still one person.


Yet sometimes they still acts like there's three of her, like when they did the kissing contest. I like how it seems that she struggles to synchronize her minds, I find it more lovely like this and it can lead to fun interractions.^^


That or maybe we could get a Guinness NSFW chapter ;) And maybe something involving that Medusa nurse :D