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One more transformation to come!  All patrons $10 and up can vote!



Jason Moon

I wonder just how many parts of Buzz the three of them can... service.


A whole new level of woman to please. Buzz has his work cut out for him. Super Milf abilities would be excellent.


The more it goes on the more she looks so damn hot like this. Six armed Triple Sahira with the sari is glorious. What I would give to have her be in this form many times in the future. Too bad it's non canon sadly.


Well, I see it as this. Sahira's always an Indian Goddess. This is just one of her many Aspects ;) Durga to her normally Parvati. Also, honestly the best part of this is also something that's been a nice change for Minerva herself, in that while her "pinky pie" head is supposed to be cute, her eyes are still, you know, relatively the same. Was always something that bugged me slightly with her earlier depictions with the ridiculously huge pupils on her cute head.

Ian MacLaren

I always wondered, does Sahira have a last name?

Lex of Excel

As much as I love aspects of the various men in the Spinnyverse, Buzz is still my favorite in terms of the whole package. Hawtness in all aspects.


I hope there more of cyoa like this in the future.


I'm reasonably sure London gives him a run for his money. When he's not being a dork, anyways. They're both genuinely decent guys and gentlemen to their ladies.


I am predicting fans will get serviced, well greased/lubed and tested for full functionality before this is all said and done. ... and I, for one, am looking forward to it.


I'd prefer Greta, but that's mostly because it would plump up her breasts AND ass. As opposed to plumping up her breasts and making her an ass.


"I have the bells on." I'm amazed at how sexy that is!