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They look so cute in freckles!  Funny how I've always hated my freckles.



Akashimo Hakubi

The Mechas know their partners too well

Ian MacLaren

So what are Spinner and Mecha Butler’s real names? I guess Spinner would be Heath Brown, what about Mecha Butler? The closest male name to Marilyn I can think of is Marvin. Marvin Seong?

Jason Moon

Aw, c'mon! Let the sidekicks have some Sidekick Sex!


It's funny how both of MM immediately know what those two are doing. Acting like it's completely casual. 😂


It's not cheating. It's a new form of masturbation.


I thought they were crime fighting partners, not sidekicks.

Lex of Excel

I honestly hope we get a canon version of this story at some point. Spinner and MB have so much potential as foils.

Andre Leitao

I loved the beginning and I loved the end, but I got the feeling that two more pages of interaction between Spinner and Spinny would have turned this story into an epic.


okay so the obvious follow-up is Mecha-Butler railing Spinner who's railing Spinny who's also getting railed by Mecha-Maid, Just the full gay to bi to bi to lesbian bang


They're not, and have never BENN Sidekicks. If anything, Heather/Heath've always been the sidekick. Remember the Mechas were superheroes long before They were.


So...was MB's inspiration Black Butler?


They aren't sidekicks, and, IIRC, neither of them is bi.


This spin-off relieved a depressing feeling I had toward the whole series. Heather’s trajectory with Marilyn would probably mean the extinction of her fused DNA. On the other hand, if she copulated with a human, what would the results be? However, this… this needs to be canon because there are arthropods that do not suffer genetic disorders when interbreeding with close relations. Thus, Heather could have children without consequence if her eggs zygote with Spinner’s sperm. And now, for tough questions. Does she lay eggs or go through pregnancy? Does she mono birth or litters? How will Homo Sapiens react to Homo Arachnidis? We all can be certain how General Evescroft will react, “Nuke the site from orbit!”