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Really having fun with the non-canon stuff!  It's a way to cut loose more than I can with the canon works.

Might do a non-canon Sahira next.




I wonder how both versions of Bottom Lefty are gonna react to this?


Non-canon Sahira? What, like SahiraxHeather?


Shades of "Aeon Flux" anyone...? Or is it just me?

Lex of Excel

Poor Heath. How is he going to explain the pulled stitching in the groin of his costume to Sahil?


I like to think that Mecha Maid and Butler are imagining this scenario

Jason Moon

That's the irritating issue with guys and arousal. WE can't hide it. With girls, no problem. With us, when we someone attractive we... can't do a math problem on the chalkboard in front of the classroom. If BOTH the originals' AND the counterparts of Sahira and Marilyn came in, would they get outraged? Or JOIN IN?! ;)


Kinda reminds me of Austin Powers 2. Love the view in last panel😈


Remember the Rule 63 warning : What you are going to rationalize is inevitable, but absolutely be safe. Do NOT get yourself pregnant. I repeat, DO NOT get yourself pregnant!


Also, it would be funny if Maid X Butler was happening at the same time. "It's not cheating if it's a sensory data test on an armor upgrade" or "It's not cheating if it's in total immersion VR"...


To be honest, I think both Mechas would probably enjoy watching.


They'd probably actively join in. To hell with watching.

Henri Black

noncanon SahiraxSpinny?


I feel like that might as well be canon, if Sahira is really into girls.


Sorry, been distracted by thoughts of a Canadian Swing Session...


Evil Spinner should have shouted "Go fuck yourselves!" after them on page 1... :P