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Multiverse shenanigans in our first NON-CANON story!  Didn't happen in the main plot, but it's a chance to cut loose and go wild.  Hope you  folks enjoy!




Can't wait to see this duo in action

Andre Leitao

I am very curious to see how that will be going! It´s the kind of an idea I like it!

Jason Moon

Is Mecha Maid also a guy? Is she Mecha Manservant?(Mecha Butler screws up the whole "M/M" thing) Will we have: a female Dr. Universe?(Urania S. Verde) and male Geta named Greco Gravity(tapping into the character's Brazilian heritage) a male Tiger named Tigress? Super-MILF'S male equivalent, Super-Himbo? a news reporter named Petey Winters? a male version of Mary Megaton named Marty Megaton? a male version of Sahira and a female version of Buzz? a male version of The Hostess named The Host with a civilian name of Steve Nicholls? a female version of General Evescroft named Eve Croft? a female Colonel Glass?


Have to remind myself that the title is in English, as "Spinner" is German for "nutcase" or "idiot"... :D

Lex of Excel

That could prove fitting with his version of Greta pointing that out.

Lex of Excel

Very excited to see how this goes! The multiverse is a crazy place, after all.

Jason Moon

I wonder if the web fluid that Spinner uses is spun from the base of the spine, just like Spinny's or if it comes from... the same general area but the other side. (Seeing him spinning webs from his penis in a way similar to ejaculation with the spinnerets being in his testicles. Honestly, it ALREADY looks like sperm and it may be distracting for the bad guys to fight a guy with a permanent boner)




Good lord! It’s the one utterly impossible alternate universe! The one with… Tall!Spinnerette! …Wait. Wasn’t 90’s Spinnerette Tall!Spinnerette?