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Katt looks too  lovely, in this dress, had to use it!

Backers at $25 and up get a 13" by 19" print mailed!




Honestly, I think she's my favorite

Henri Black

Why does Katt feel like the highschool mean girl...


Good choice!

Jason Moon

Kitty's about to be NAAAUUUGHTY...!

Opus the Poet

Looking good even though I'm not a fan of pierced nipples.

Ian Brown

You know... I expected Kat would go for a bit more Femme Domme. Her working clothes already have the thigh-high boots, and she's literally named in homage to an instrument of torture. I think the dress and piercings are perfect, but I think some heavy dark blue lipstick, eyeshadow, and long gloves would REALLY set her look and status as Le Size Queen for the series!


Think of it as a work party outfit, the real heavy guns get saved for club night ;)


Those nails though...