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Here's a bonus chapter, hope you'll consider backing the Kickstarter!




Intriguing start, with plenty of ambiguity over exactly what the situation is and why she's needed.


Just got round to reading it, and wow was it awful. Like, really, really bad. I mean, I've read some terrible drek in my time, and that's among the worst of it. Risible plot, no pacing, vilely offensive art and dialogue, huge unreadable infodumps of backstory. It was like a 'what not to do' of comics. Even Chuck Austen would laugh this rubbish out of the room.


I'm curious to see where this story would go. The pirates are good people, the girl that is the center of the shit storm is powerful and just wants to be with her father. In a way she is a Mary-Sue but in a good way. (Look up overly sarcastic studios trope-talk on Mary-Sue and you would agree in my definition.) I would be interested in seeing more and see where this biomechanical synthesis character would go.