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Sara Nicole has a thing for thongs ;)  It's the most scandalous underwear a girl could have in her mind.




Go get your girl Heather! :3

Mr Lit

lovemaking is overrated anyway


Hostess better be ready, Heather is going to dominate her to the fullest.

Jason Moon

It's always the quiet ones that are the biggest FREAKS! ;)


I thought that Heather was already spoken for with Mechamaid??? Is this another Hostess fantasy??? Reason that I am asking is that if this were real, then you'd have a time paradox as Heather and Mechamaid are shown in their retired selves later in life. Such a possibility would be either a serious plot flaw (er...oooops?), or a time paradox complication. Either way, this *has* to be a fantasization of Hostess with her sexual obsession with Heather. Thoughts?


She has a girl. Her name's Marilyn.


Imagine if there was a character that could see into alternate non-canon realities. Imagined or otherwise, and could make any main-universe character believe that they were that character. Too bad Sara’s already the size of the Empire State Building.