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FYI, Google reccomends side-by-side.



Jason Moon

Kitty trying to mount a bull.

Mr Lit

It's Kat's dream, she has unlimited depth. Real life though...


Real life, yeah. Fantasy though, he's definately going in all to the hilt.


Yep, her imagination will be doing some heavy lifting getting this fantasy off the ground. But I’m sure it’s up to the task. :)


When in doubt always trust in Google with help. Lol.


It's funny that this is her fantasy but "reality" is still intruding. Honestly, I have this problem all the time- having a nice sexy dream that ends up with me and the prospective partner discussing politics all night instead >_

Henri Black

out of curiosity, who will the next NSFW chapter focus on?

Paul Britt

I joined Patreon too late to get the Spinny and the Hostess NSFW tale. What can I do to earn this delicious tidbit?


I'll offer it in a future Kickstarter or Patreon... right now I'm thinking of offering it as a bonus for the Monster Girl comic coming soon!

Johnny Charneca

Loving it so far. And I can't wait to see what you and the rest of the team come up for Evil Spinny. :) Plus, I must say that I'm hoping the Hostess doesn't end up in jail by the end of the current chapter (I'm loving the way you're writing her, trying so hard to become a heroine). :)


Thanks! The Hostess arc will be a 3-parter this time, so there's plenty to look forward to!