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As a Canadian ex-pat, I too am sensitive to heat.



Andre Leitao

Nice page!!! Minerva is great in this pic and I finally could see Katt boob, congratulations, the art is wonderful!


love the look on Katt's face there


And in reference to being 'heat intolerant', I am a polar bear, and melt at 50* F.

Jason Moon

Katt's like an M&M, she melts in your mouth and not in your hand.

Jason Moon

What, all these comments and NO ONE has said "Ooh, Kitty Titty" yet?


Minerva is one hundred percent correct on the one-piece, by the way.


um katt your drooling

Cahn Siumartinez

Minerva is right. One pieces do leave things to the imagination and it suits her well. Also it just now hit me. Kat is acting like a cat in heat while mentioning she is hot. I see what you might have did there.

Mr Lit

Kat just got a thousand times sexier over the course of two pages! How do you pull off this kind of sorcery?!


Katt has a Barbie Doll anatomy!


Soooo lovely! And MINE!!!!

Andre Leitao

Hey Krow, if Katt uses theses piercings all the time, in a moment she will uses civil and casual clothes, we could have a chance to see it through her clothes, in future comics?


You mean through her war of 1812 wool coat? That'd be one heck of a piercing ;)


Kitty seems moist and fluffy....

Ian MacLaren

I love how Minerva’s right head always looks annoyed whenever one of the other two heads uses her hand. You’d think she’d be used to that by now.

Ian MacLaren

Is the centre panel Minerva’s right head flipping off the middle head, or the left head gesturing with the right hand?