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Bikini time indeed!



Mr Lit

I've seen enough hentais to know where this is going...


To be fair starfish and sea otters is a little confusing though Gabe should have noticed the colors of the tents


I know everybody's here to see Katt, but I'm glad we got to see some of Gabe's cute bootie


Originally, though, pink was for boys, and blue was for girls.


Earperk, so cute! ; )


But doesn't everyone have a starfish? Maybe if they were labeled clams and sea cucumbers, it might be a bit more intuitive... Granted, that would just open up a whole other logistical can of worms.

Jason Moon

This makes me think of a moment in Neon Genesis Evangelion. One word: Toothpicks. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaGlUcjw5es" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaGlUcjw5es</a>

Cahn Siumartinez

the running gag of obscure gender labeling . Also that strange moment when you see your team leader naked and your eyes go straight to the crotch. Which I may or may have not done before...

Cahn Siumartinez

Maid Man?! Where?! Ah I need to get back into that series. Also need to see if I still have his one shot special.


Did not expect Gabe to be so jacked


If you're interested, he's actually reposting a page a day online, while also giving commentary on each page. I think he just finished Vol. 4 online.