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It's over $5000!   

Thanks so much guys, each month we hit this goal, we'll post a bonus page!




congratulations on your continuing success

Andre Leitao

I love the pallete of colors you guys choose for The Hostess!

Andre Leitao

Bonus page? How this works now with you already posting 02 pages?


WHAT, 5000?!!

Jason Moon

The Hostess wants the mostest OF DAT ASS!


*crushes scouter*

Mr Lit

I'm a little confused. Is this the backer's kickstarter chapter or a separate chapter?


I really hope Sara learns hear identity in the canon story. At some point these two need to become official. They have way more history


except no. Mecha Maid is Spinny's Girlfriend, because they have an actual connection. at best, Sara's going to be a friend like Sahira.


hmmm.... kinda funny to note that if you look closely enough at her back, Heather betrays the fact she has more than two arms due to slightly visible extra shoulder blades/girdle

Cahn Siumartinez

I can see a running gag of Spinny and Heather "Just missing each other".


Oh, I'm sure the Host will be very surprised by that wonderful booty she's staring at.


Isn't that the case with every superhero though? "Peter! Did you see Spider-man?" "No, but I got these photos of him." "Darn. It's like you always miss him whenever he's around." "I'm just always looking for the best shot."


Really playing up the delusion here with the "accentuated" fat-suit, because Sara doesn't know it's a fat-suit. :P