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Bouncy bowling balls, AKA kickballs.



Jason Moon

And it looks like the Hostess is getting HOT AND CREAMY thinking about Heather's BIG CITY ASS and BIG CITY CHEST!


Oh the Hostess is in for a real treat, when she finds out who that booty belongs too.


so she truly doesn't know it's Heather. It's interesting that she sees Heather as a best friend. I know Heather didn't think so. So Sara needs to confess this in the canon story. These two need to actually happen. I can't stress it enough

Mr Lit

I swear Heather has the legit best ass I've ever seen committed to anything ever,


I think a lot of bullies do that... they don't realize how hurtful they're being.


Don’t you mean “cheeky disposition”? :-P


Um...where's #2 and #1? I seem to remember seeing a nake version of the Hostess and Spinny together; is this #1 or #2, and if so, where's the next one prior to this one? I'm confused...

Andre Leitao

Man I have no words to describe the pleasure to read this! I love Heather and can see her in this H scenes is so exciting!


The writing here expertly reflects how delusional The Hostess really is. "Friends" with Heather. Spinny not acting even the tiniest bit nervous about this whole conversation. I think I'm starting to see why you guys omitted Page 1, because (and this is just me speculating) it's the page that sets up this whole sequence as just a mere fantasy on The Hostess's part. Either way, I'm loving how this is going!


Page 1 is a 'framing' page, kinda boring for a preview, so I skipped it and went straight to the fun stuff ;)

War Bunny

This is what happens when you try to hold back the ghey...the dam breaks eventually.


You should change the tag so it says "THE Hostess" so it will appear along side the other posts when you click on it.