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Things have been going awesome guys!   We hit all our first three stretch goals.  Now this is a *biiiig* stretch, but if we can hit $45k, we'll get back to 3x weekly updates.  That's 50% more Spinnerette comics, for everyone!

It'll take time to get there, we'll need to work it out with the artist, but I'm down for 50% more creating stories for you guys!



Lex of Excel

Alas, I won't be able to pledge any more than I already have. But I do wish you all the success you gain from this!


Do I need to do anything, now that I've backed the Kickstarter, to get the bonus story? Or are you going to manually match names?

Johnny Ward

Man I just got paid at 11pm as well, I really wanted that next nsfw story :(


Oh boy! Can't wait to see the exclusive nfsw chapter. :) btw great work <3


Are these wallpapers going to include some never before seen?