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We have a special bonus NSFW chapter for Patreon backers who pledge on the Kickstarter as well!  While The Hostess is detoxing from her own mind-altering drugs, she has a vivid what-if experience, wondering if Spinny had sided with her...

To get the chapter, follow these steps:

1. Back the Patreon at a $6 or greater level for the month of May

2. Back the Kickstarter at a $10 or greater level

3. Once we've finished the bonus chapter, we'll e-mail a download link!

I'm thrilled to have your support on the Patreon, and I hope you'll consider backing the Kickstarter as well!  At just $10 for the PDF tier, it's less than the cost of two months of the Patreon for a full 14 pages.  And it's Kickstarter exclusive, these pages won't be republished elsewhere.

If there are any questions, ask in this thread!




Anything for the people supporting both?

Carl Endres

So do we have to do both $10+ KS pledge and $6+ Patreon pledge, or is it either or?


Not sure if going off emails to determine who did both...

Andre Leitao

I'm crazy to see this chapter! Just this grab on Heather's ass drove me crazy !!!

Jason Moon

Interesting picture, but that's NOT what I do with my Spinny hardcovers!(Speaking of "hard"... :) )


Hey, I can't support kickstarter because they require a credit card... Could I send you the 10$ by paypal?

Nathan Smith

Excited to see the bonus chapter and the NSFW chapter.

Connie Edogawa

already doing all that. :3


Looks like I qualify without having to change anything, $6 Patreon and $55 Kickstarter already :D


I may not have much at the moment, but I always try and support you count me in this crowd.


The Hostess has some imagination to imagine Heather siding with her automatically leads to sex


Aw man it's what if? Is there any way that the become official in the canon story on Spinnyverse? I mean in a romantic way. It would be a good twist that viewers wouldnt see coming.

Andre Leitao

Hey Krow, how many time to finish the NSFW chapter? I'm anxious to put my hands in it!


We're still keeping the main NSFW chapter running, so it might be a few months.


If we pledge the $10 on kickstarter as "pledge without reward" can we still get this? I don't actually want hardcovers of the comics (no room on bookshelf for more books) but I'm interested in this


Alright, I'm in!


How do we link the kickstarter pledge to our patreon account to show we did both?


I'm finally on board~

Hugo Bedward

Will this eventually be made available to people who didn't pledge to the kickstarter?


I am also finally on board, any chance we'll get another goat roast at ACen to celebrate? I was at the first one way back in the day for the mega Webby campaign.


Howdy WD! We have stretch goals out to 30,000, we could still do a goat roast as an extended goal!


Can you get a download link if you follow the steps later or was it a limited time offer