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Our 2010 Spinnerette will be travelling to 90's world for the Book 6 bonus chapter!  She'll be facing off against the worst villains the 90's can offer!



Jason Moon

The boots make it unclear whether or not she has Liefield ankles.

Lex of Excel

Gotta say, surprised and impressed that Greta doesn't have unnecessary pauldrons.


Hot damn, it makes her look like a touch of Valkyrie.

Kevin Wright

or pouches, particularly pouches strapped to a leg. Got the giant boobs, abundant hair, and skimpy outfit down, though. Even a little of the broken back.


I'm definitely liking this new look of hers.


so skater girl look

Mr Lit

In the edgier 90s universe I would have assumed 90's Spinny and 90's Gretta were an item. Would be an interesting pairing.