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As mentioned, there will be a special bonus for Patreon backers who back the Kickstarter as well!  Anyone at the $6+ level in May, when the Kickstarter ends, will get an exclusive NSFW comic feature The Hostess and Spinny!




so an exclusive with spinney cheetin on MM

Cahn Siumartinez

Just to be clear, you have to be a 6 dollar patreon and back the kick starter in some way to get the hostess content, correct? Is there some way we are suppose to indicate that?

Lex of Excel

Just put my pledge in! I too am curious as to how this exclusive chapter will work. ^_^

Chris Miller

Just dropped my pledge down for another hardcover edition. Those are so nice!


Backed it at the hardcover level, need to match the rest of the books I have :)


I'm planning on it, but one uestion... Where's the level that has your complete works and both Webbys? o.o;;


There's a complete work plus Mega Webby level, we'll add other webby sizes in Backerkit after.

Andre Leitao

kk, I had a little problem, as I am without a card, I had to use my wife's to make the contribution, and the site only accepted the login for the owner, my wife, but who has access to Patreon is me, and I'm crazy about the NSFW chapter !!!

Marissa Van Opens

That is a huge Mr Webby...and it is now mine. Now to find new place to put all of my plushies that's not the floor. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them (I have cats so corner netting/hammock is just asking for problems)


Will the shipping cost to Europe be as dissuasive as usual ?


Mail costs to Europe haven't decreased, unfortunately. But we do have the digital download tiers.


surprised you didn't name it Mrs. Webby