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(slightly) more back friendly pose!



Donovan "Ravenhull"

Much better, in my opinion. Do wonder where she goes to get the suit tailored for her. Imagine being the person (male or female, attracted to women or not) trying to take those measurements.

Vince Averello

Her breasts don't appear to be sitting right on her frame from what I can see. They seem a little off to the left. Also, they don't appear to have the same drop as natural breasts would and as far as I know from canon they're real. Although her outfit could be holding them up that high, in which case, kudos to her tailor and fabric manufacturer.

Nathan Weber

If you look carefully, though, she is hefting them up with her right arm.

Nathan Weber

The thing about the back comment for a super hero character is that if she possesses superhuman strength, that rather renders the back problem null and void.




*_* She is perfect!


Much better, looking forward to the comic. Love the glasses look on her.


The comment is probably a reference to sketch one where her spine made a 90 degree angle


Glad you guys are excited for it! I know she's a side character, but it gives me a little more freedom to explore.


I luv both her pics. Super milf is always good


She's looking perfect. Wish to see more of her in action, since she only appears on the side lines.


..I wonder if its the mask that hides her identity or people all around her just trying to be polite. ^^" But yeah, much better pose for the back. :)