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WWARD.... she knows how to push his buttons....


Well played, Greta. Well played. lol

Mr Lit

"What would Ayn Rand do?" - by the laws of objectivism she'd jump those bones.

Dark Kuno

Ayn Rand? Ugh, I thought Dr U was smarter than that. But then again this demonstrates that he's pretty dumb in certain key ways. Though I do have to say, I am impressed with the sheer amount of willpower he possesses to turn down Gretta, whatever the reason. That's some Green Lantern Alpha level willpower right there. Thankfully, looks like Greta-chan isn't having any of that silly rationalizing his way out of performing experiments of the naughty variety :D

Dark Kuno

Side note. Romantic relationships don't have to negate scientific study and collaboration. The Curie family legacy proves that. With Marie and Pierre (1 Nobel Prize for Marie alone and another shared with Pierre both in sciences), then later their Daughter Irené and her husband Frédéric collaborated to earn a sciences Nobel of their own, and their other son-in-law managed one himself. And that's just the Nobel Prizes they won. That doesn't include any scientific endeavours they did individually and together that didn't warrant/win Nobel consideration. And btw Marie started out as Pierre's hired Lab assistant, who he then fell in love with, and the rest is history. Lord knows there are more out there throughout history. Abigail and John Adams (he consulted her on pretty much all of his political and intellectual decisions and she was renowned for being just as brilliant as he). The Leaky's are another great example. and so many more. Many of which I'm sure Gretta-chan will know about and could bring up to better sway the interests (and more to the point, the desires) of Dr U that a romantic relationship doesn't have to negatively impact their scientific relationship and research ;)


Being a fan of Ayn Rand was part of the establishment of Dr. U's character since pretty early on. He doesn't mention it much, but it's the reason Dr. U is the self-serving quasi-villain he is today, instead of a hero.

Nathan Smith

She'd argue with Jim Henson, that's what Ayn Rand would do. XD


Ill-advised sexual relationships are one of the cornerstones of Ayn Rand's philosophy. A horrifying, terrible cornerstone.


Pretty sure the good dr is unconscious for some reason, and this is a dream.


Oh Greta, you'll always be wonderful.


After letting everyone know that is what she was going to do.


Oh snap, she's calling you out, Doctor. ^^;


WWARD, that needs to be a thing.

George Humleker Jr.

She has a point Ayn Rand was well known for breaking her own rules. Kinda ruins her own philosphy when it's creator doesn't adhere to its ruleset, but again it gives Greta a valid point. Plus Objectivism is inherently a selfish philosphy anyway so why not?