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Hey folks,

I've been posting the NSFW chapters with a PG-13 preview, and the full page as an attachment to download.  Would you prefer to keep getting pages this way, or would you just like to see the full NSFW page posted?


Simone Spinozzi

The page gets hidden by those who do not have the required payment level. There's an actual lock on a black background. I would very much like to have the full preview, but i do not know if other people open their patreon in public places and wish some details hidden.


I myself would prefer the full preview, since after all, these pages needs the appropriate payment level to see them. and these payment level actually shows a NSFW tag, so no minor could actually reach them legitimately. Also, why would one check patreon at work anyway. Heh.


Just in case some one is looking over their shoulder, a PG-13 would be more... Practical?

Todd Whitesel

Beware image processing on the preview images (and possibly even the attachments!). Since the Patreon redesign a few of the artists i follow have had their images compessed a lot by Patreon and in some cases fans were complaining of compression artifacts in the images. Preview images especially are seeing high levels of JPG compression and in some cases people complained about even attachments being affected. People are still running tests by attaching archives of images for comparison to investigate the new policy :(


I kinda like the pg-13 preview. It builds suspense.


The pg 13 is nice for any young supporters.


PG-13 is also safe since I read my email at work and just go from message to message.


the suspense kills me....no more pg-13... the pg-13 doesn't display anything but gobbly-gook...if people aren't in a safe place to view, then don't access the email till they are.


Thanks for the feedback guys... seems like there's enough people that like the PG-13 preview I'll keep it.


I didn't even see them...I might be blind hehe.

Thed Preston

Hey Krazy Krow, could you add the attachment for download even for the SFW pages? It makes the filenames more consistent when I download them :)