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I'd like to say hello to all my new Patreon followers this month!  I hope you're enjoying the bonus chapters.

Which characters would you most like to see in the next NSFW chapter?



Cahn Siumartinez

How many times has bottom lefty been blamed for having a mind of its own?


Would it be possible to see a sketch of Katt anytime soon?


Bottom Lefty is the Ultimate Matchmaker. Also I'd be interested in a Katt NSFW Chapter


Katt in the next chapter! With, I dunno... this guy named Reflex, maybe? ; D Seriously, I WOULD like to see a Katt NSFW chapter. With dibs on the art, 'natch. ; D


I wouldn't be opposed to Katt doing something just by her lonesome.


apparently it seems everyone wanna see Katt naked. Not that I blame everyone :D >:3


I'd love to see something with Greta!


Mildly bummed about the wig staying on. Heather's short hair is too cute. I like the idea of Katt, but what about Buzz and Sahira? Like their time after issue 14? That had a very sweet start.


Why not both Katt and Greta together?


Greta or Sahira would be awesome.


Kat and Spinny of course. ;)


Sahira goes to Canada for a weekend of basic hero training and has a "special session" with Katt.

MAR (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-13 09:13:01 I love your art's ❤️❤️
2017-05-20 19:42:04 The girls are In Canada training again and find out too late that Captain Alberta has gotten out of prison, this time it's a break out. This time he's figured out an unstoppable aphrodisiac. The Mounties catch up with him at Avonlea, where he seems to be trying to taint the water supply again. In reality he has but in a moment of smarts plays it off like they're stopping him. The substance takes a while to take effect and hits everyone but London, who goes along with the flow after a moment of resisting. As it ramps up at first it's the standard couples while Gabe and Katt try to keep each other "good", but as the effect really begins to set in all kinds of non standard coupling happens eventually ending with all involved in a orgy of pure lust with no boundaries, everyone understanding that this is just sex, and brought on by the drug at that. Morning comes, and since everyone is curled up with everyone, they all wake up at once. Spinnys metabolism has he needing to pee kinda fierce so she sprints to the restroom and everyone gets a laugh as MM explains that's pretty normal. Gabe asks Katt if she's ok with what happened and she assures him she's not happy about the poisoning but is absolutely happy with those she suffered through the effects with, and then Gabe starts wondering how he's going to explain this to Col. Langstrump. London manages to express how he knows Minerva won't leave him over this but he understands Gabs concern because that London has always been terrified Minerva would one day wake up and realize she's so wonderful and he's just him. Katt will explain that London can't see any of his good parts because he lives with them every day. MM chimes in with her own fears based on her disease and how she wrestles with wanting to spend every moment she can with Spinny while simultaneously knowing that it's going to rip her heart out when MM eventually dies, which could honestly be any day now. She's even thought seriously about pushing Spinny away so she could be with someone who wasn't guaranteed to die soon. Spinny walks in just as MM says this and proceeds to explain how it's a scientific fact that long after the heat death of the universe, she'll still love MM. Once the kissing and "Aww"s subside, she explains that if MM has anyone she feels close enough to that she wants to let them into the relationship that's one thing and they can talk about it, but not if she's trying to get Spinny to transfer feelings from MM to someone else. Also she thinks they should consider orgies to the exercise routine because "every muscle hurts". Everyone laughs at the joke, and Gabe heads off to let the Mounties know about the poisoning and call the Col to explain. Gabe doesn't call the Col because it turns out the drug only effects women, which leaves Gabe with questions because he was clearly effected by it. Katt reassures him that whatever it means, they'll figure it out. While it could be interesting to have Gabe be transgender, would be just as interesting to have him have an extra x chromosome or two. Might explain how he can look so androgynous in some frames.

The girls are In Canada training again and find out too late that Captain Alberta has gotten out of prison, this time it's a break out. This time he's figured out an unstoppable aphrodisiac. The Mounties catch up with him at Avonlea, where he seems to be trying to taint the water supply again. In reality he has but in a moment of smarts plays it off like they're stopping him. The substance takes a while to take effect and hits everyone but London, who goes along with the flow after a moment of resisting. As it ramps up at first it's the standard couples while Gabe and Katt try to keep each other "good", but as the effect really begins to set in all kinds of non standard coupling happens eventually ending with all involved in a orgy of pure lust with no boundaries, everyone understanding that this is just sex, and brought on by the drug at that. Morning comes, and since everyone is curled up with everyone, they all wake up at once. Spinnys metabolism has he needing to pee kinda fierce so she sprints to the restroom and everyone gets a laugh as MM explains that's pretty normal. Gabe asks Katt if she's ok with what happened and she assures him she's not happy about the poisoning but is absolutely happy with those she suffered through the effects with, and then Gabe starts wondering how he's going to explain this to Col. Langstrump. London manages to express how he knows Minerva won't leave him over this but he understands Gabs concern because that London has always been terrified Minerva would one day wake up and realize she's so wonderful and he's just him. Katt will explain that London can't see any of his good parts because he lives with them every day. MM chimes in with her own fears based on her disease and how she wrestles with wanting to spend every moment she can with Spinny while simultaneously knowing that it's going to rip her heart out when MM eventually dies, which could honestly be any day now. She's even thought seriously about pushing Spinny away so she could be with someone who wasn't guaranteed to die soon. Spinny walks in just as MM says this and proceeds to explain how it's a scientific fact that long after the heat death of the universe, she'll still love MM. Once the kissing and "Aww"s subside, she explains that if MM has anyone she feels close enough to that she wants to let them into the relationship that's one thing and they can talk about it, but not if she's trying to get Spinny to transfer feelings from MM to someone else. Also she thinks they should consider orgies to the exercise routine because "every muscle hurts". Everyone laughs at the joke, and Gabe heads off to let the Mounties know about the poisoning and call the Col to explain. Gabe doesn't call the Col because it turns out the drug only effects women, which leaves Gabe with questions because he was clearly effected by it. Katt reassures him that whatever it means, they'll figure it out. While it could be interesting to have Gabe be transgender, would be just as interesting to have him have an extra x chromosome or two. Might explain how he can look so androgynous in some frames.

Chris Miller

How about Hostess in her prison cell at night, devoid of her drugs has come to terms with her sexuality. She mulls her regret at never admitting her crush to Heather and begins to fantasize about what might have happened if she had.

Chris Miller

Also for probably much later- as much fun as this has been, I'd actually like to see Marilyn and Heather instead of Spinny and MM. Perhaps their very first time in all its geeky, awkward, and uncertain adorableness as they both fumble through giving up their V cards together rather than what appears to be the more experienced and confident lovers of the current story.

Chris Miller

And my final thought on the day: You're an awfully poor liar, Spinny. That wasn't bottom lefty fluffin' the muffin there on the couch.


wouldnt say no to spinnies roommate


That's some detail! Let me think on that, I'm not sure a massive orgy feels in character...


I forgot about her, I've been focusing on the old villains, but Hostess could make for a very good chapter...


Too hot and bothered to remember correctly

Emilien Wild

I second Sahira. Diversity is important.


Katt O' Nine Tails would be pretty cool


Katt! Katt! Katt!


Allow me to go against the grain on this one, or at least perhaps reduce on my very detailed friend above me, but I wouldn't mind seeing how Gabe goes about wooing an amorous partner. I feel like it'd be a very corny, lovable, and romantic scene for sure....plus one of my favorite characters would be gettin' some so win-win!


my god this is getting hot


can't wait to see what Bottom lefty gets up to today.

Bill Saunders

I just became a patron of Spinnerette today. I will freely admit that the idea of a little NSFW content was appealing. I've been reading Spinny for years and have enjoyed watching her grow into her role as a superhero, and maybe even have a little crush on her. Once I accessed the pages and saw just how raw and fantastic they were... well, holy crap is all I can say. :-) Thank you for the Spinnyverse in all its forms. You have my support now with or without the sexy stuff. Keep creating, Krazy Krow!


yeah Katt would have nice balance of furry fetish without it smacking you in the face like with the london chapter,


Thanks Bill! It's something I've been wanting to do for a while, I just needed the right artist for it. Pablo's really good, his style works for it.


I just had a great idea for Super Milf getting a new assistant..... I may need to shuffle that to the back to work on the main characters first.


Which characters should star in future chapters? Hmm... aside from Buzz and Sahira, and the cameo couples from KRAKOW (who are probably ineligible), what other couples are there? I can kinda picture Alexis and Dakota hooking up, but they're underaged so that's a no-go. Poor Darian sitting alone and thinking of Heather while listening to "All By Myself" would be kinda funny, but not something I'd want to see. I know a certain someone is going to want to see Katt, but if his OC can't get in then who would she hook up with? Do Gable and Tiger have significant others? SA Spinny and SA Mecha Maid giving the finger to the CCA?


Krakow couples are eligible! I do want to do an Alexis chapter, but it'll be a few years forward when she's 18.+