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I am currently undergoing a major design overhaul of my website, Eroguysensei.com, to improve your user experience. During this time, I recommend accessing the site on PC. The tablet and mobile versions will be optimized later. You may see changes as I work on the new design live.

In addition to the new look, the website will be faster and have cool new features to help you navigate both old and new content better, as well as stay up to date with the latest news. I'm also improving the community features, so you can express your thoughts on different content better than ever before. The new design will divide the two types of content into their own separate sections, giving newcomers a clear picture of what Eroguysensei is all about.

I apologize for the lack of new content during the redesign. I am currently playing "Dungeon of Regalias" for my next H-game coverage and working on new art in bulk format while balancing my 9-5 job. "Bulk format" means I am working on new art projects without rendering them to save time to work on the redesign.

I am grateful for your continued support, which has given me the energy and motivation to keep going and upgrade the website for 2023. With the new design and my new job, I will have more tools, features, flexibility, energy, and time to bring you even more amazing content. Thank you!


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