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In the gloomy back offices of the Daily Prophet, up in the attics of Diagon Alley, right next door to the Quibbler Printing Press, a cocker spaniel started awake from where it had been dozing in a dog basket.

“Bozo, we’ve got news!”

The cocker spaniel yawned, its tongue lolling out carelessly, before the animal shifted and a mildly dishevelled wizard stepped onto the wooden floorboards.

The door slammed open and Rita Skeeter marched in looking out of breath. “Bozo, where are— There you are! Look. Just got the agenda for an all-hands attendance of the Wizengamot. They’re hosting it next weekend!”

Bozo gave his alleged boss the stink eye. “Luv, we’re socials. We don’t do government. I was sleeping.”

“You’ll change your mind when you see this! There!” She threw a roll of parchment at him, smacking him in the chest. “You think that’s just government?”

Bozo unrolled the parchment. His eyebrows rose. And as he continued to read, they continued to rise. “The Muggle Protection Act, spearheaded by Slytherin. Unregistered animagus hearing, featuring Slytherin’s betrothed and protégé, along with Lord Malfoy’s scary ‘lost and found’ daughter. Emergency extraordinary magic hearing, featuring the same. Basilisk ownership hearing, Lord Slytherin vs. Lord Potter vs. The Ministry. Hearing for the special elevation of one Ginevra Weasley to the England Quidditch Team, rumoured to be in betrothal negotiations with one Harry Potter, again, Slytherin’s Protégé and unexpected heir to the noble house of Potter, Leader of the Light faction and actively standing against Slytherin in another hearing on the same day. Chimera storm enquiry… No guesses who’s on the docket for that one. Basilisk incident enquiry, featuring Headmaster Lockhart and, surprise, surprise, Lord Slytherin. Oh, and I see that they’ve also scheduled a tentative hearing to debate the merits of allowing underage wizards and witches to join the England Duelling Team... and as part of that hearing they’ve invited a Miss Malfoy, an Heiress Black, and two Potters.”

Rita gave him a triumphant look. “There, you see?”

Bozo rubbed his chin. “Yea,” he said slowly. “I see it. Though, sure you wan’na keep chasing Slytherin, Luv? I know they say three time’s a charm, but they are usually idiots.”

Rita waved the concern away. “I won’t make the same mistakes I made the last times. And there won’t be any goblins at the Wizengamot.” She shuddered. “Foul, nasty little creatures.”

Bozo slumped down into a chair and reached into the pocket of his jacket for a cigarette. “The whole weekend is going to be nothing but one massive drama fest. Worse than a teenage knezzel fight.” He lit his cigarette with the tip of his wand, holding it in his other hand like a quill. He took a puff, blowing out the smoke into the small room. “We could do a special report and make it an insert,” he said. “Butter up Barnabee an’ slip it into the Prophet’s own dedicated run. That way Lovegood won’t be able to censor it.”

“Mmmm...” Skita unsnapped her crocodile skin bag and drew out a parchment. ‘The Slytherin Special,’ maybe? Lead with a single large photo of the man in his mask, looming out of the newspaper frame and glaring at the reader? Or try and persuade Lovegood or Potter to change for the camera? Get an exaggerated shot of a Land Dragon and a Chimera roaring at each other. Oooo, then superimpose that image on either side of Slytherin’s mask! We could use a subtitle like, “Scary secrets revealed! Slytherin’s Plans for Magical Britain and How They Affect YOU!” Or something like that.”

“That’s a T-Rex, Luv.”


Bozo took another puff. “And are you sure you want to go sniffing around a hearing for unregistered animagi?”

“You’re coming too.”

“Yeah, yeah, but I’m not changing ‘round them, am I? Don’t tell me you ain’t planning on bugging someone for more juiciness. I know you too well, Luv.”

Rita sniffed. “So what if I am?”

“It’s what got you in trouble last time.”

Rita Skeeter stuffed the parchment back in her bag and snapped it shut again. “Slytherin hides his identity for a reason and I will be the first to find out why. We both know Gilderoy is preparing something and whatever it is, I refuse to let him beat me to the punch! The Gray’s Secret will be mine.”

On Rita’s writing desk in the corner of the room, a magically locked wooden box rested, waiting for an exact magical trigger to open.

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