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Monthly Update!

February saw a marked increase in general productivity around here. The first two weeks were mostly dedicated to creating all these new swanky graphics you'll find now cluttering up the place. A.I art programs such as mid-journey are incredible tools for creatives like myself who lack traditional skills, but still have a good eye and are willing to work within certain limitations. Hell, at some points the limitations become a feature, helping to define aspects of the written work the art pieces were created for.

February: 46.1k word equivalences, distributed about 2:1 between art and writing.

At the same time, I'm not counting my recent experiments into A.I audio in any word counts, something that I should probably do if I want WCE (word count equivalances) to become my catch-all measure of productivity.

Word Count by Project:

God Gems are Forever 1 — 10,700

Trial by Conquest 1 — 56,200

Superhero Dragonborn 1 — 18,800

Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches is currently on the main plotting board and needs to get done, if only because I also want to plot out the rest of Trial by Conquest using my new plotting tools. And I can't do that while DPaSW is still up there :)



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