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Accountability is a terrible thing. Writers live or die by their average word count and all too often, that word count slips as distractions and responsibilities pile up. This is a constant battle, but it is one I am determined to win, and if anyone deserves to be let in on my accountability tracking it is you — my patrons — the people who make what I do possible.

So, here is my semi-public record of what I’ve written for what projects. My goal is to slowly push my consistent average word count higher. Quality improvements will naturally accumulate as a result of my own inability to not try and improve. That’s the idea, anyway.

Note that this only counts words written while drafting. It does not include outlining, nor editing, both of which take lots of time. Nor does it account for time spent on any of the other myriad things I do on a daily basis to keep projects moving forward. This is a word count tracker, not a work tracker.



LeadVonE Writing Tracker

Accountability is a terrible thing. Writers live or die by their average word count, and all too often, that word count slips as distractions and responsibilities pile up. This is a constant battle...


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