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It's been a while! Been dealing with some family emergencies, which have been monumentally draining, but now I'm back and writing up a storm. I can't promise there won't be more gaps in the writing in future, but I'm taking steps to ensure that the situation I'm dealing with affects my writing as little as possible going forward.

This is a 3,300 word update for chapter two.

What?! I hear you say. But, James, didn't you want chapters to only be 3,000 words long now? Doesn't this make this chapter over 6,000 words long? 

Yes it does. Sometimes these things just happen. Especially with me.


New scenes: 2

Update word count: 3,300

Total chapter word count: 6,100

PS. I want to get both Trial by Conquest and DP&SW writing published before I do my monthly update, so you can expect that soon, but not immediately.


V2.0 Chapter 2 - Arrival

Alfric's worm-hole-like journey through the portal felt like it passed in the blink of an eye. He barely had time to lament the world he was leaving behind, or feel anxious about what lay ahead, be...


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