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Evening all,

This weekend, we'll be having the next chapter part for DP&SW, and on the Wednesday after that, we'll have what will hopefully be the final chapter of the next Richard Struggle book.

Also, I mentioned yesterday that I'd be giving the whole series a new name. Well, here's what we're currently working with. No promises that it might not change again before the launch of the next book, but I'm pretty damn sure at the moment that we're going with this.

A bit more descriptive than the last one.

You'll notice the I, II, and III under the title. Yeah, that's because I'm planning to take all three novellas, once they're published, and also combine them into a trilogy-arc version that will be a far more normal book size (this is also because audio books kinda have to be a certain length for people to bite).

We'll see how this goes. The second novella is already looking to be a good bit longer than the first, so hopefully I don't massively overshoot with the third.

See you on Sunday!

— J.M. Coombs


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