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Hi guys! 

This week in J.M. Coomb's World... 

A draft of Part 2 of the next chapter of Project D will be released on Sunday on discord.

Chapter 15 of the audio version of Project D will be published on Sunday on LeadVonE.com as well as on itunes.

And finally, raw audio of chapter 16 of Project D will, you guessed it, be released to the volunteer team, on Sunday (or possibly a bit earlier), on discord (in the team editing channel).

Next week, part three (along with part one and two) will be finished, polished, up, and released to everyone. 

The week after that will probably be rather slow since I have something going on during that time. I'm thinking about what I want to do to fill up that space and might well go with a Creadylid short story or similar, as well as plenty of outlining and brainstorming.

See you next week!

— J.M. Coombs (LeadVonE)


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