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Hello my Patrons!

Say hello to a brand new year.

— Awesome 2018 —

How interesting will this year be? No idea. Twelve months is a long time, but I guess we’re going to find out. At the very least, I hope we can hit our first mile stone this year. Words cannot describe how awesome that would be… NO wait.... Words can describe it. Describing awesome things is supposed to be my job! Okay, let’s try it then…

Meeting our first mile stone would be as awesome as a water slide that leads directly from your bedroom to a self-cleaning and perfectly heated swimming pool in the basement.

It would be as awesome as graduating from university in a good economy, immediately landing your dream job, and to have that dream job actually turn out to be just as awesome as you always dreamed it would be.

It would be awesome as getting home from work and finding a trail of two sets of women’s clothing strewn seductively around and leading upstairs, when you know for a fact that the only other woman in the house is your girlfriend’s twin sister*.

*(Substitute girlfriend and sister with boyfriend and brother as you will)

Anyway, it would be very cool. And that's just here on Patreon. Getting my first full length book published will be just so amazing, something that I just would not be able to do without all of your help.

Did I ever mention how much I love you guys?

Yes? Oh. Well, in that case...

... I guess it's time for the new schedule.

— New Schedule — 

Project D Chapter — Sunday, 21st Jan, 2018 (Hobby Project)

Project B Chapter — Sunday 4th Feb, 2018

Project B Chapter — Sunday 11th Feb, 2018

Project B Chapter — Sunday 18th Feb, 2018

Project D Chapter — Sunday 4th Mar, 2018 (Hobby Project)

This is an early access schedule that will be released to the Gray Mailing List sometime in the next few days.

— Legendary Patron Reward Update —

Quick update on patron rewards...

I’m changing the patron acknowledgement reward requirement from “Must be a legendary patron for the three months immediately prior to publication” to “Must be a legendary patron for any three months between major publication release dates.” This is in light of the reality that my estimated release date of the next Richard Struggle book is highly unlikely to be at the end of February as I have previously speculated and some legendary patrons may have signed up with this date in mind.

See you next week!

- J.M. Coombs (LeadVonE)


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