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Setting the stage.





Love the chapters. Thank you for updating so often recently. I am enjoying them quite a bit. The only thing I feel I should point out is that you keep misspelling "Basilisk". Maybe you're referencing another language, but in English, it is always spelled with one "A" and two "I"s.


Great to hear you're enjoying the updates! Yeah, these releases are a lot more rough than what I try to publish on the website or the other pbulic platforms. 'Hot of the press,' as it were. Basilisk is one of my pernenal misstypings. I do try to catch them on a quick one pass before I hit the go button, but it's not always effective. What I can say is that we have a great team who collect errors and post them on the discord server and that they usually do get cleaned up before getting pushed out futher. I'll take this one and throw it up on there!


Though it might not be related to this latest drop, I'm really enjoying seeing Harry's knowledge of the potential future trip him up as things strongly diverge. He's kinda fallen into a trap of always knowing what's happening and now it's slowly, slowly turning against him. Thank you so much for the constant updates lately. It always makes my day seeing one. Keep up the awesome work!