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For those of you not in the know, I've been dealing with the worsening illness and finally death of my mother over the last couple of months. I've been her primary carer for the last five years, so I knew it was coming, but still, thank you all for being patient while I deal with this. The funeral is next week, but I am now in a better head space to write! Enjoy!





Shit man I'm so sorry to hear that. Lost my mom too and still hurts. Wish ya the best


You have my condolences LVE. I lost my father almost a decade ago. Losing a parent really hurts, especially after you helped take care of them when they were ill. Time does help though.


I could never imagine losing my mother. It's something I DONT want to imagine, let alone think about. Please LeadVone, take all the time you need to grieve.

Queenie Greengrass

Very sorry to hear this, my condolences to you and family. I'm glad you're in a better headspace yourself.