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Hi guys :)

As decided by last month's poll when we have finished L&S next year our follow up game will be a space opera dating sim called Starship Hook-ups.

And we decided that you would be able to choose between those two options for your MC at the start of the game :D

See you soon,





Can’t wait! Presuming there’s gonna be non-humans based off the theme?


I accidentally entered early LOL but can’t wait!!! My main question was gonna be if the girls are gonna be custom/OC or if their species are gonna be inspired from other things :)


So only male mc, or is lefty a short haired female mc?


They look badass. Can't wait to see the girls

matthew pirie

A female starship captain (sexy vulcan, orion or romulian) building an alien girl harem would be cool especially if alien tec allowed you to get them pregnant! ;) Matt from OZ


Nice. As a dark skin person myself, the choice of MC is appreciated, not that L&S isn't great as is. It's a nice touch. As a fan dabbler I even made a dark skin mod for L&S that I play with when loading up the game. You guys update so darn fast though, lol, keeping my mod updated to current version is always time consuming, but I enjoy little projects like that.

Kyle leon

Is it wrong im stupidly excited to play as a blonde guy? (I have dirty blonde hair) most mcs are always brunettes lol