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Hi guys ^^

So the last poll showed that there is interest in a female centric dating sim like Love & Sex.
Unfortunately (or not) it also showed that most of the current player base for Love & Sex wants us to focus on Mike.

So here is what I am thinking...

There is another female MC game that I wanted to do for a while, it's called "I Am Not A Slut!" it's been in development hell for a while but both me and the artist are eager to start it up again. 

So we could give it it's own Patreon but you would not play Bree but Reona ^^

We could give it the same mechanics than Love and Sex and as it's a different artist it would not impact the development of Love & Sex much.

So my question is this: If i started a Patreon for "I Am Not A Slut!" would you be interested in subscribing ?



I would subscribe, but I would have to either do a smaller tier or switch to a smaller tier on this one and split my contribution in half between both.


Yeah, while I have a rather cheap subscription to LoSeSb ($20 annual fee), many of your patrons are of a higher tier, and might have to choose either cheaper tiers for both, or a higher tier for one or the other. Personally, while I would consider subscribing, I can see how it would be a problem for other patrons. Also (just a completely random side note) I do hope that you still intend to include Reona in LoSeSb. Seems we could have a LOT of fun with her.


Also, I do hope you still intend to flesh out the Bree MC storyline.


A game focussed on a female MC? I'd subscribe. Like others have stated, though, I'd have to watch things to see whether to drop L&S completely, or just split my pledge between the two. I'd suggest, though, that if this is going to be a new, separate game, then make the characters (including the MC) new and separate - don't try and make it a tie-in to L&S.


I'd consider subscribing. If you use Reona as the main character it might even be fun to be in the same city as L&S but not encountering the L&S characters on a frequent base but more like easter eggs here and there (e.g. seeing a guy that fits Mikes description sometimes in the bar with different girls by his side or meeting one of the girls here and there but without it overlapping too much. Also would that game be only f+f content or mixed?


It would be mixed and yes probably the same city (it would allow me to reuse the backgrounds).


sounds good, but not Reona pls)) she has a completely slutty look, but she would like to have at least some opportunity to choose (for example, in clothes, in behavior) I'm also worried that the style of the characters' art will be different)

Anthony Docimo

why not just have it in this patreon, like _Leap Of Love_? (or am i misremembering that other game?)


It will be reona BEFORE becoming slutty ^^ The idea is you get the choice of how/if she becomes like that.


Because it would be expensive and i don't want to impact L&S too much. It would still be included in the $10 tier here as all of my games will be.


I would absolutely love it. I adore the way you do games and the premise sounds way more interesting to me than the Bree MC storyline.

Joel Hernandez

I eas thinking in splitting the cost in half but you mention that 10 tier will get acces to it, how will that work being a different account?


Like the idea just being honest I can not afford to subscribe to to many projects


For the same patreon here will be good

H. M.

I feel time has runout for stills I still enjoy “love and sex” but would want animations in any new game I would support on Patreon But a love and sex game with dame themes and kinks and animations would definately be something I would support

Daniel Mountain

I'd love to see this, but I'm too broke to support it. Sorry.


To honest I think starting a new page for a new a game is a good idea. That being said but, I would not back. As this game idea doesn't grab get my interest the same way that Bree dose for Love and Second Base. But I wish you the best of luck in your new venture. I rather my money go to a game I like with the potential to add more content that I would like to see, then back something new.

louie najera

I can't wait to see what this turns into am I assuming she'll go both ways or just one way


I'd much rather play as Bree and explore this world and characters from her point of view than be some rando that turns into a hoe.

Kevin Daley

I’ve seen this fail to many times before to sub to this idea. Not the game mind you those type of corruption games have a habit of succeeding expediently, but you and/or the artist working on multiple games without a hefty workforce. So unless this is a “when we have time, we work on and release” type game. Don’t split your priorities, because if you were just do Bree


Yeah I think they need to just do a bree update, whether or not the polls support it. Test the waters before moving on from it.


It would be awesome if the Bree stuff could be incorporated into Mikes story as well (maybe some random events where you catch Bree interacting with girls you brought home but in Bree's story the dialogue and circumstance are completely different with the same art asset)


Only voting "not subscribe" because I have to be very picky where my patreon dollars go. I wish I had enough money to fund every project I love. 😭


I already work on several games at once (look at leap of love) and L&S never suffered from it.

Kevin Daley

Right but that was speratic thus a “when we have time” type of game. It was also released relitivly quickly to my memory. My main thing is don’t start up a whole new main game. Side content go for it.


If i made a patreon for it the goal would be to make enough money to hire a dev full time to work on that so that it does not impact L&S (but it would increase the resilience of the company greatly)

Kevin Daley

Good point, but that would also mean your starting from scratch again. So it will be that give or take situation all over again even if you have someone to offload on this time. As you know thru experience any good patrion lives, breaths and dies from participation, consistency in updates and frequent communication on multiple platforms. So you will need to keep up with that to, not just the new game It would grow the company, yes, but you will be back to playing the long con and going thru all those struggles again (shortened significantly) because your in a sense creating a second YouTube channel. It’s a good idea and something that definitely needs to be done if the game can’t be put on the main channel. But it’s also something that you should not just walk nily wily into expecting the same turnover or response as your current game. Especially since this one would be in a different ganera so the audience pull is different. Like I’ve said I have seen this type of shift fail before but I have also seen it succeeds. And really in the end what I noticed is that it just comes down to the creator and planing to make or break it. In the end the decision is yours, all that my comments are ment to be is an old veteran hindsight.

louie najera

When do you plan on making the patron for it

brandon marlborough

Instead of new patron how about making tiers for mike and bree and use that to gauge interest instead of polls. Maybe even have some joints tiers as well. Just thoughts

Sower of Systems

I would just like to say, while I'm not particularly interested in Bree mc, I do have a number of female friends whom I would recommend if Bree's side was implemented


Wasn't Reona going to be in L&S? I was kinda looking forward to that.


My question is will there be a futa mc


Ah was just curious