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Hi patrons and followers !

Here is a poll open to anyone so it's the perfect opportunity to have your voice heard.

Are you most interested in playing as Bree, Mike or Both ?




Guess we will still be stuck with Mike seeing the already big gap in the votes ... Meh... 😓


Here is a thought (granted this is at the snapshot with roughly 400 votes). Is this a question to determine if it is even worth developing Bree as a MC or just gauging interest? There is definitely interest there and I wonder if the character was developed some more would there be more or less interest? Are people going to stop playing the game without Bree, probably not, but it does increase some replay ability as well and create a whole new dynamic. Again it is up to you as a developer to do what you feel is right, but at the same time, it comes down as a question, what are you looking at gaining from this poll, scrapping Bree entirely, which is also a choice, or developing content soon. Because if it the latter, my other question is how much further are you planning on progressing Mike, because I would wrap that up as well before moving on to Bree (unless you are looking at the never ending saga of Mike).


I'd prefer it if Mike is finish then move onto Bree


So definitely the latter, would definitely be interested to see how the overall interest in Bree changes as the character is developed further.


There's already more content for Mike than many finished games. Meanwhile, Bree has somewhere in the vicinity of fuck all.


True but even so I would like it if his story's were complete then moving on to the next one


For added context, I had complained about the paucity of content for Bree while Mike has a full game's worth (and with seemingly no end to this arrangement in sight). Personally, I think it's a waste of resources to continue to develop Mike while Bree is so limited, but Andrealphus pointed out that changing focus is potentially risky on account of selfish people not wanting others to have fun (my framing)


I can understand your thoughts, but I also feel for the developer here. I feel like they have found a niche in the adult gaming world that to me works great with Mike. Female Protagonist characters in this realm are a lot riskier than Male and there always seems to be the risk of building something out that some love while others are alienated. I already see great opportunity for storyline including Bree with Aletta, Dwayne and Cassidy or even Bree with Ryan and Samantha for characters that are already developed outside of Mike and Sasha. There are only limited resources in anything and I have a lot of respect for trying to poll the end user to gauge interest before making these decisions. My thoughts more are along the line of as the content is developed would be interested to see if the needle moves any in either direction.


This is kind of an unfair vote. I recon that most of the people that would like playing as Bree voted for Mike Because there is little to no content for Bree MC...


I voted for Mike because I'm interested in playing as him, but I think Bree MC is in dire need of content. Some folks don't wanna be a guy; my wife only plays ero games if you can be a girl (even if it has practically no gameplay bearing, like in Huniepop). And honestly, if Bree's path gets some work going maybe our boy Mike will get some TLC. Dude looks kinda rough every so often.


I know Mike already has a lot of content, hell, idt I experienced it all yet, nor all the characters, but I love Bree as a love interest, so I prefer myself to see her than be her. Just my take.


Well, since resources are limited, Mike is going to have more developer's love. Goes without saying I don't mind people preferring to play Bree, but I guess patrons do mind paying for things they aren't looking forward to,


My opinion If Bree MC gameplay mechanics can be reworked (Mike dom/sub score to Bree love/lust score or corruption since she's dealing with guys for marriage) There might be a hunger for more Bree content. Not to mention replay value. I hope this helps.


Gonna say that it was the option of playing as a female PC that drew me to the game. There aren't a lot of good female PC games like this out there, so I had hopes. But, it looks like maybe not so much. I would suggest that, instead of doing polls, just spend the next couple of updates pouring into Bree's story.


Ya, I voted mike first but then stopped and realized I tried bree once then went back because there was little to nothing to do, not no interest but it makes no sense to play her at al in the current state.

Kevin Daley

Agreed splitting focus might hurt the game in the end better to finishes one before moving to another


I want to express my opinion on this issue. I have been watching the development of the game for a long time and look forward to seeing every week that at least some development has begun on BreeMC. I understand perfectly well that in order to start fully engaged in it, it is necessary to complete (or approach the completion) of the story with Mike as the main character. but on the other hand - how long is it planned to work on completing his story? in fact, you can come up with something new and update endlessly. I don't want to offend or hate anyone, but (!) the main (!) innovation in the last monthly update is the ability to change Minami's hair color. I understand that this is work with a plot, art, but still ... in this case, in the story of Bree, you can come up with no less (corruption as in good girl gone bad, tattoos, etc.). I'm sorry if I said something wrong, maybe I don't understand something. I also apologize for possible grammatical errors - translated using Google. with love, fan from Russia)


its not unfair in my opinion. If you WANT to play as Bree you should have voted Bree because thats what you are most interested in. The question was not "what do you play as most often" but what are you interested in.

Sower of Systems

I'd just like to say, if you truly don't speak any English, then wow! Google did a good job with this one! 👏


I'm someone who previously was subscribed specifically because of the female MC option. Unfortunately when I saw no development on that front month after month I ended my subscription. I get that the dev is trying to deliver what the polls have shown the subscribed patrons want but I wonder how many like me would subscribe if Bree MC started getting more development? It's also worth noting that because I am no longer subscribed, I only saw this poll today, after it had already closed.


There's a sort of polling bias here. The product has a Mike MC bias, so the consumers are going to have a Mike MC bias, and thus the votes. The sticky spot you're in as a dev is whether you double down on the audience you already have, or expand to a wider audience. I get that is the point of the poll, but ultimately is probably a determination you're going to have to make on your own. :\