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Hi guys,

Here is 21.6, the June release once again with a lot of new content!!!

We still have a lot planned for the Office Harem but it will have to wait for August as next month we will go back to the home harem ^^

A special thanks to MidnightDatura, Lent1, Apoc, Spiritmaster, BlissFullDarkness, Domestos, and Firesparq who helped a lot with this one (again) :)

Full Changelog:
- 3 new backgrounds: university, restaurant, tattoo shop, pub
- 2 new locations: CEO office & jewelry store
- 33 chibi actions
- 552 new voiced lines: Samantha
- 6 new music tracks
- 17 new events: Audrey, Shiori, Aletta, Lexi
- 16 new CG: Audrey, Shiori, Aletta, Lexi
- Presplash screen
- Snow effect in outside locations during winter
- Bug fixes (lots)

You can download the patreon edition here, itch.io,  and on Steam (Beta).

Have fun :)




Big Leafy

For android its still 21.5.0e, is this because the renpy issue like last time?

Big Leafy

Sorry about that maybe it just took a minute to update it says 21.6 now.


Sorry but I needed to ask why does aletta leave at the beginning of my game? Is it a bug? Or did I do something wrong?


It crashes when i get to the part of taking Aletta to the restaurant.


Aletta's heart meter is locked at 50% for me even after I did the second firing range event; is this a bug or is there a new way to raise it?


Nice! However, Samantha says "We should stop doing that" after kissing now, even though she's already entered the Home Harem. Also, the restaurant event with Aetta is bugged for me as well.


Aletta stacktrace in restaurant was fixed with 21.6.0a. We'll take a look for Sam


Cassidy doesn't appear in "my office" and can't seem to get Aletta above 20% sub.


The option to place the spy camera in the office before the meeting isn’t appearing.


Won’t load up. Keeps saying it fails to open steam, but I downloaded it straight from Patreon. Log And Traceback are as follows: Tue Jun 29 23:53:19 2021 Windows-10-10.0.19041 Ren'Py Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.37s Early init took 0.01s Loader init took 0.48s Loading error handling took 0.64s Loading script took 52.95s Loading save slot metadata. took 10.48s Loading persistent took 0.01s Imported steam. Failed to initialize steam. - Init at renpy/common/00achievement.rpy:27 took 23.33236 s. - Init at renpy/common/00updater.rpy:23 took 0.90273 s. Set script version to: (7, 4, 6) - Init at cl/class_util.rpyc:54 took 1.97004 s. I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: Exception: Possible infinite loop. -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "renpy/bootstrap.py", line 326, in bootstrap renpy.main.main() File "renpy/main.py", line 515, in main renpy.game.context().run(node) File "ch/bree/events/events.rpyc", line 233, in script File "ch/bree/events/events.rpyc", line 233, in script File "renpy/execution.py", line 61, in check_infinite_loop raise Exception("Possible infinite loop.") Exception: Possible infinite loop. Windows-10-10.0.19041 Ren'Py Love & Sex : Second Base 21.6.0 Tue Jun 29 23:47:38 2021

Alex Gemeos

Audrey doesn't show up at the office and the dinner event with her on Friday when she calls keeps repeating


Great update. I do have a question though when it says to call Sam to tell her she is allowed to join home harem. I already spoke with Min, Bree and Sasha about it, and all are in home harem, now it says to 'call sam' to tell her, though I don't see any options to do this specifically? unless I am a goon and I am missing it. Any help would be sweet. Thanks!


https://love-sex.fandom.com/wiki/Home_Harem this should help


I haven't seen anyone else mention this so it might be an isolated issue, but every time i go on a date to the "Cinema" the Background fails to load. (the date still runs normally itself) and yes, im on the current version and i Re-installed it just to be safe


I've down loaded the PC version from the zip and it won't load up. It freeze and the program goes non responsive.


I deleted and download again and it seems to be work.


in 21.6c, cassidy appears now, but Audrey still vanished and can't call her at phone and at work


is there any cheats for this game?


How do you open the pause menu in the android version? The menu button on the bottom just automatically opens the save menu. I can't load a prior save without closing the game first.


@Blackdragon1242 Thank you.


I cant download the patreon version? I'm on android and everytime I click it says the link no longer exists


I think I found source of "lag problem" described here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1264710/discussions/0/2941369009272272892/ Game freezes every 3 seconds for 1 second period of time. It begins after prologue and I believe this is getting worse as there is more characters on a map. I checked this issue and in my opinion this is a software and not hardware problem (though fast machines can reduce it). What I found: game freezes and in EXACTLY one moment when it unfreezes, it simultaneously shows notification pop up (quest log of character updated) of course provided there is a notification to show and if there isn't any, it simply unfreezes. In my opinion these freezes are an effect of some kind ineffective algorithm of monitor event which is run every 3 seconds. When this algorithm is about to run, it freezes a game. Then, when it finishes work, it displays notifications (if there is any) and unfreezes the game. The more characters in the game, the more variables monitor has to check and requires more time to work. Maybe some players don't see lags because they play one route at once. This is only my hypothesis (I was full-time software tester once). I think you should check it.


I'm playing on 21.6c and I've been unable to proceed further with Ayesha then 40 LP, I can't seem to trigger her event where she calls you from home. The wiki and the inbuilt guide says she'll call from 10:00 to 14:00 but I spent that time at home for the entire week of the investigation with no results. Either there is something I'm missing or it's bugged, as I've never done this event in an earlier version I can't eliminate the former, but I think it's the latter.


I'm on android and when I had updated it destroyed my saves, so I switch to cheating to get back where I was. Lol


21.6.0d: Fix: - Date cinema/park bg - Ayesha playing water - Ayesha dance - Ayesha call event - Audrey hidden - Sasha Bree beach date choice


Audrey seems to be completely missing for me? She hasn't shown up at the office at all after starting a new game.


Anna has disappeared


It says in the description of the new stuff that there's a new event for Lexi. But I just can't seem to find anything new. The wiki was no help, so... Also, just to make sure: her new obedience cap (75) is by design, right?


Anyone knows how to end Samantha's revenge? In the guide says I've done everything but don't switch to complete and I think that until I finish Samantha's revenge I can't start with Emma or is it a bug?

Martin Barrera

So how start the nes event of Office Harem?

Martin Barrera

Btw Minami doesnt want the sexy swimsuit i hace her no 50 KP 100 Love and 100 siscon


Anyone else getting a bug with the battle of the bands?


When Palla invites Mike and tell him to not follow him the bathroom is the "old background" sketch instead of the new. Is that a bug ?


What's that furthest you can get with Emma?


When is Palla going to get some love. Please add her to the home harem, she is by far the best girl!


Just though about this but will there be an update that allows you to improve/remodel your house since the home harem has gotten so big? seems like the house is running out of rooms