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Hi guys :)

This is the content for today's weekly update for Love & Sex:

- New pub background
- New spanking art for the office harem
- 5 chibi actions
- 402 new voiced lines
- 6 new music tracks

You will be able to download it here.

Have fun




How does someone start the office hearm event

Big Leafy

What about fixing the sam and palla bugs for the people who dont pay for the weekly drops?


- Sam's kp cap is not a bug, you have to take the revenge path to bring it higher. - The palla bug should be fixed in 21.5.0e


At least in saves coming from 21.4.0, even when the revenge path was taken, the KP goes back to 50 after interacting with her.

Big Leafy

Ill give it another shot after i get off work todayand see how it goes. Ive never tried the revenge path for her so i dont know if it will work for me yet.


new music tracks is welcome news


Is there some way to avoid Samantha getting mad when u go to pub with ur dates?